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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing ANIT

ALDERMANITIESALDERMANITY n. the state of being an alderman.
GRANITISATIONgranitisation n. Alternative form of granitization.
GRANITISATION n. a metamorphic process by which solid rock is converted into granite without passing through a magmatic stage, also GRANITIZATION.
GRANITIZATIONgranitization n. (Geology) The process of sedimentary rock becoming granite through remelting and recooling.
GRANITIZATION n. a metamorphic process by which solid rock is converted into granite without passing through a magmatic stage, also GRANITISATION.
HUMANITARIANShumanitarians n. Plural of humanitarian.
HUMANITARIAN n. a person promoting human welfare and social reform.
INSANITATIONSinsanitations n. Plural of insanitation.
INSANITATION n. lack of sanitation.
LUXULLIANITESluxullianites n. Plural of luxullianite.
LUXULLIANITE n. a tourmaline granite found at Luxulyan in Cornwall, also LUXULIANITE, LUXULYANITE.
MICROGRANITESmicrogranites n. Plural of microgranite.
MICROGRANITE n. a minutely crystalline variety of granite.
MICROGRANITICmicrogranitic adj. Of or relating to microgranite.
MICROGRANITIC adj. of or like microgranite, a minutely crystalline variety of granite.
PHYTOSANITARYphytosanitary adj. Concerning the health of plants; especially the freedom from pests requiring quarantine.
PHYTOSANITARY adj. of or relating to the health of plants.
PORCELLANITESporcellanites n. Plural of porcellanite.
PORCELLANITE n. a jasper-like shale highly indurated by contact metamorphism.
SANITARIANISMsanitarianism n. (Dated) The promotion of public health.
SANITARIANISM n. the policy of favouring sanitary measures.
SANITATIONISTsanitationist n. One who believes in sanitation as a means of preventing disease.
SANITATIONIST n. one concerned with sanitary measures.
SANITISATIONSsanitisations n. Plural of sanitisation.
SANITISATION n. the act of sanitising, also SANITIZATION.
SANITIZATIONSsanitizations n. Plural of sanitization.
SANITIZATION n. the act of sanitizing, also SANITISATION.
STRONTIANITESstrontianites n. Plural of strontianite.
STRONTIANITE n. strontium ore.
SUBURBANITIESsuburbanities n. Plural of suburbanity.
SUBURBANITY n. the state of being suburban.
SUPERHUMANITYsuperhumanity n. The state or condition of being superhuman.
SUPERHUMANITY n. the state of being superhuman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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