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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 12 thirteen-letter words containing ALAT

ANTIHALATIONSANTIHALATION n. the prevention of halation, usually by placing a layer of dye on the back of the film to absorb light which has passed through the emulsion on it.
CARDINALATIALCARDINALATIAL adj. relating to a cardinal or to the office of cardinal, also CARDINALITIAL.
CONTRALATERALcontralateral adj. On the opposite side of the body.
contralateral n. (Especially in plural) The opposite side of the body.
CONTRALATERAL adj. occurring on or acting in conjunction with a part on the opposite side of the body.
INHALATORIUMSINHALATORIUM n. an institution or department for administering inhalations.
INTERCALATINGintercalating v. Present participle of intercalate.
intercalating adj. (Chemistry) That intercalates.
INTERCALATE v. to insert (as a day) in a calendar.
INTERCALATIONintercalation n. A period inserted into a calendar as in a leap year.
intercalation n. (Chemistry) The reversible insertion of a molecule between two others.
intercalation n. (Geology) A layer introduced into a pre-existing sequence.
INTERCALATIVEintercalative adj. That leads to intercalation.
INTERCALATIVE adj. relating to intercalation, an insertion or interposing, as of a word between other words in a sentence.
PALATABLENESSpalatableness n. The quality of being palatable.
PALATABLENESS n. the state of being palatable.
REESCALATIONSreescalations n. Plural of reescalation.
re-escalations n. Plural of re-escalation.
REESCALATION n. the act of reescalating.
TARAMASALATAStaramasalatas n. Plural of taramasalata.
TARAMASALATA n. (Modern Greek) a fish paste made from the roe of the grey mullet or from smoked cod's roe, mixed with garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, etc.
TEREPHTHALATEterephthalate n. (Organic chemistry) Any salt or ester of terephthalic acid.
TEREPHTHALATE n. a salt or ester of terephthalic acid.
THALATTOCRACYthalattocracy n. (Rare) Thalassocracy.
THALATTOCRACY n. sovereignty of the seas, also THALASSOCRACY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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