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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing ARAC

ARACHNOPHOBEarachnophobe n. A person who fears spiders.
ARACHNOPHOBE n. one with a morbid fear of spiders.
CHARACTERFULcharacterful adj. Full of character.
CHARACTERFUL adj. full of character.
CHARACTERIEScharacteries n. Plural of charactery.
CHARACTERY n. writing; a system of symbols or letters used to express thoughts.
CHARACTERINGcharactering v. Present participle of character.
CHARACTER v. (archaic) to engrave, inscribe.
CHARACTERISEcharacterise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of characterize.
CHARACTERISE v. to give a character to, also CHARACTERIZE.
CHARACTERISMcharacterism n. A distinction of character; a characteristic.
CHARACTERISM n. a characteristic.
CHARACTERIZEcharacterize v. (Transitive) To depict someone or something a particular way (often negative).
characterize v. (Transitive) To be typical of.
characterize v. (Transitive) To determine the characteristics of.
NONCHARACTERnoncharacter n. (Computing) That which is not a character (unit of text).
noncharacter n. That which is not a character, as in literature.
NONCHARACTER n. one who is not a character.
PARACENTESESparacenteses n. Plural of paracentesis.
PARACENTESIS n. the tapping of body fluid.
PARACENTESISparacentesis n. (Surgery) A medical procedure involving needle drainage of fluid from a body cavity, most commonly the abdomen.
PARACENTESIS n. the tapping of body fluid.
PARACETAMOLSparacetamols n. Plural of paracetamol.
PARACETAMOL n. a mild analgesic and antipyretic drug, often recommended instead of aspirin.
PARACHRONISMparachronism n. An error in chronological order in which something is ascribed a later time than the actual one; metachronism.
PARACHRONISM n. the representation of something as being newer than it is.
PARACHUTINGSPARACHUTING n. the act of descending by parachute.
PARACHUTISTSparachutists n. Plural of parachutist.
PARACHUTIST n. one that parachutes.
PARACROSTICSparacrostics n. Plural of paracrostic.
PARACROSTIC n. a poem whose initial letters reproduce its first verse.
PARACYANOGENparacyanogen n. (Chemistry) A polymeric modification of cyanogen, obtained as a brown or black amorphous residue by…
PARACYANOGEN n. a polymer of cyanogen.
SUBARACHNOIDsubarachnoid adj. (Anatomy, relational) Located or occurring below the arachnoid mater, often specifically between the…
SUBARACHNOID n. the space situated under the arachnoid membrane.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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