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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing ALAC

GALACTAGOGUEgalactagogue n. A substance that induces lactation.
GALACTAGOGUE n. a medicine that promotes secretion of milk.
GALACTOMETERgalactometer n. (Archaic) A lactometer.
GALACTOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the specific gravity of milk.
GALACTOMETRYGALACTOMETRY n. the measurement of the relative density of milk.
GALACTORRHEAgalactorrhea n. Lactation (secretion of milk from nipples) not associated with childbirth or nursing.
GALACTORRHEA n. a too abundant flow of milk, also GALACTORRHOEA.
GALACTOSEMIAgalactosemia n. (Medicine) A genetic metabolic disorder characterized by an inability to metabolize galactose properly.
galactosemia n. The presence of galactose in the blood.
GALACTOSEMIA n. the presence of galactose in the blood, also GALACTOSAEMIA.
GALACTOSEMICgalactosemic n. One who has galactosemia.
galactosemic adj. Having or relating to galactosemia.
GALACTOSEMIC adj. relating to galactosemia, the presence of galactose in the blood, also GALACTOSAEMIC.
GALACTOSIDESgalactosides n. Plural of galactoside.
GALACTOSIDE n. a glycoside that yields galactose on hydrolysis.
MALACOLOGIESMALACOLOGY n. the study of molluscs.
MALACOLOGISTmalacologist n. A person who studies molluscs; a specialist in malacology.
MALACOLOGIST n. a student of molluscs.
METAGALACTICmetagalactic adj. Of or pertaining to a metagalaxy.
METAGALACTIC adj. relating to a metagalaxy.
OSTEOMALACIAosteomalacia n. (Medicine) A softening of adult bones due to inadequate mineralization; the adult equivalent of rickets.
osteo-malacia n. Alternative spelling of osteomalacia.
OSTEOMALACIA n. softening of the skull due to calcium deficiency.
OSTEOMALACICosteomalacic adj. Of or pertaining to osteomalacia.
OSTEOMALACIC adj. relating to osteomalacia, softening of the skull due to calcium deficiency, also OSTEOMALACIAL.
OXALACETATESoxalacetates n. Plural of oxalacetate.
OXALACETATE n. a salt or ester of oxaloacetic acid, also OXALOACETATE.
SANTALACEOUSsantalaceous adj. (Botany) Relating to the flowering plant family Santalaceae.
SANTALACEOUS adj. belonging to the sandalwood genus Santalum, or sandalwood family Santalaceae.
STALACTIFORMstalactiform adj. Resembling a stalactite.
STALACTIFORM adj. shaped like a stalactite or icicle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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