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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing AUST

APOLAUSTICSapolaustics n. The philosophy of the pleasurable.
APOLAUSTIC n. the philosophy of the pleasurable.
AUSTERENESSaustereness n. The state of being austere.
AUSTERENESS n. the state of being austere.
AUSTERITIESausterities n. Plural of austerity.
AUSTERITY n. the quality of being austere.
AUSTRALITESaustralites n. Plural of australite.
AUSTRALITE n. a tektite found in the interior of Australia.
AUSTRINGERSaustringers n. Plural of austringer.
AUSTRINGER n. a falconer who keeps a goshawk, also ASTRINGER, OSTREGER.
CATACAUSTICcatacaustic n. A caustic curve formed by light reflecting from a curved surface.
catacaustic n. (Mathematics) the envelope of all rays that emanate from a specified point (the radiant point) and reflect…
CATACAUSTIC adj. relating to or denoting a caustic curve or caustic surface formed by reflection.
CAUSTICALLYcaustically adv. In a caustic manner.
CAUSTICAL adv. burning, also CAUSTIC.
CAUSTICNESScausticness n. The state or quality of being caustic.
CAUSTICNESS n. the quality of being caustic.
DIACAUSTICSdiacaustics n. Plural of diacaustic.
DIACAUSTIC n. a type of curve formed by refraction.
EXHAUSTEDLYexhaustedly adv. In an exhausted manner.
EXHAUSTEDLY adv. in the manner of one who has no strength.
EXHAUSTIBLEexhaustible adj. Capable of being exhausted.
EXHAUSTIBLE adj. capable of being exhausted.
EXHAUSTIONSexhaustions n. Plural of exhaustion.
EXHAUSTION n. the act of exhausting.
EXHAUSTLESSexhaustless adj. Unable to be exhausted; having an endless supply; inexhaustible.
exhaustless adj. (Of an automobile or similar machine) Not producing exhaust; nonpolluting.
EXHAUSTLESS adj. inexhaustible.
HAUSTELLATEhaustellate adj. (Zoology) Provided with a haustellum, or sucking proboscis.
haustellate n. (Zoology) One of the Haustellata.
HAUSTELLATE adj. having a haustellum, a proboscis, as a fly.
HOLOCAUSTALholocaustal adj. Of or relating to a holocaust.
HOLOCAUSTAL adj. relating to a holocaust, also HOLOCAUSTIC.
HOLOCAUSTICholocaustic adj. Of or relating to a holocaust.
HOLOCAUSTIC adj. relating to a holocaust, also HOLOCAUSTAL.
INEXHAUSTEDinexhausted adj. Not exhausted.
INEXHAUSTED adj. (archaic) unexhausted, also UNEXHAUSTED.
UNEXHAUSTEDunexhausted adj. Not exhausted.
UNEXHAUSTED adj. not exhausted, also INEXHAUSTED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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