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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing ARMI

AQUAFARMINGaquafarming n. (Agriculture) aquaculture.
AQUAFARMING n. marine farming.
ARMILLARIASarmillarias n. Plural of armillaria.
ARMILLARIA n. any fungus of the genus Armillaria, the honey fungus.
ARMIPOTENCEarmipotence n. Power in arms; military might.
ARMIPOTENCE n. power in arms.
BARMINESSESBARMINESS n. the state of being barmy, dotty.
BARMITSVAHSBARMITSVAH n. (Hebrew) in the Jewish religion, a boy attaining the age (usually 13) of religious responsibility, also BARMITZVAH.
BARMITZVAHSbar␣mitzvahs n. Plural of bar mitzvah.
bar␣mitzvahs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bar mitzvah.
BARMITZVAH n. (Hebrew) in the Jewish religion, a boy attaining the age (usually 13) of religious responsibility, also BARMITSVAH.
BELLARMINESbellarmines n. Plural of bellarmine.
BELLARMINE n. a large jug with rounded belly and narrow neck.
CARMINATIVEcarminative adj. Relieving discomfort of gas in the digestive tract.
carminative n. (Medicine) A drug or substance that induces the releasing of gas from the digestive tract.
CARMINATIVE adj. able to relieve flatulence.
CHARMINGESTcharmingest adj. Superlative form of charming: most charming.
CHARMING adj. having charm.
DISARMINGLYdisarmingly adv. In a disarming manner.
DISARMING adv. DISARM, to deprive of weapons.
LUKEWARMISHlukewarmish adj. Somewhat lukewarm; tepid.
LUKEWARMISH adj. somewhat lukewarm.
OUTCHARMINGoutcharming v. Present participle of outcharm.
OUTCHARM v. to surpass in charming.
OVERWARMINGoverwarming v. Present participle of overwarm.
OVERWARM v. to warm too much.
PARMIGIANOSPARMIGIANO n. (Italian) parmesan cheese, also PARMIGIANA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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