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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing ARIC

CARICATURALcaricatural adj. Having the character of a caricature.
CARICATURAL adj. like a caricature.
CARICATURAScaricaturas n. Plural of caricatura.
CARICATURA n. (Italian) a caricature.
CARICATUREDcaricatured v. Simple past tense and past participle of caricature.
CARICATURE v. to make or draw a caricature of.
CARICATUREScaricatures n. Plural of caricature.
CARICATURE v. to make or draw a caricature of.
CENTROBARICcentrobaric adj. Relating to the centre of gravity or the process of finding it.
CENTROBARIC adj. relating to the centre of gravity.
CLARICHORDSclarichords n. Plural of clarichord.
CLARICHORD n. an old keyboard stringed instrument in which the tangent striking the string and producing the sound also determines the vibrating length, also CLAVICHORD.
DIVARICATEDdivaricated adj. Spread-out, divergent, especially of a branch etc. which is at nearly ninety degrees to the main stem.
divaricated v. Simple past tense and past participle of divaricate.
DIVARICATE v. to fork, diverge.
DIVARICATESdivaricates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of divaricate.
DIVARICATE v. to fork, diverge.
DIVARICATORdivaricator n. (Zoology) One of the muscles that open the shell of a brachiopod; a cardinal muscle.
DIVARICATOR n. one who divaricates.
ISALLOBARICisallobaric adj. Relating to isallobars.
ISALLOBARIC adj. of or like an isallobar.
MARICULTUREmariculture n. Aquaculture using seawater.
MARICULTURE n. the cultivation of aquatic flora and fauna.
PREVARICATEprevaricate v. (Transitive, intransitive, obsolete) To deviate, transgress; to go astray (from).
prevaricate v. (Intransitive) To shift or turn from direct speech or behaviour; to deviate from the truth; to evade…
prevaricate v. (Intransitive, law) To collude, as where an informer colludes with the defendant, and makes a sham prosecution.
THERMOBARICthermobaric adj. Describing various weapons that use atmospheric oxygen to produce a blast wave of a significantly longer…
thermobaric n. A thermobaric weapon.
THERMOBARIC adj. of a weapon, using a combination of heat and pressure to create a blast more powerful than that of conventional explosives.
VARICELLATEVARICELLATE adj. of certain shells, marked on the surface with small ridges.
VARICELLOIDvaricelloid adj. Resembling varicella.
VARICELLOID adj. resembling varicella, chicken pox.
VARICELLOUSvaricellous adj. Having or relating to the disease varicella.
VARICELLOUS adj. relating to varicella, chicken pox.
VARICOCELESvaricoceles n. Plural of varicocele.
VARICOCELE n. a varicose enlargement of the veins of the spermatic cord; also, a like enlargement of the veins of the scrotum.
VARICOLOREDvaricolored adj. Having a variety of colors; variegated or motley.
VARICOLORED adj. of different colours, also VARICOLOURED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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