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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing AEMI

ACETONAEMIAacetonaemia n. Alternative form of acetonemia.
acetonæmia n. Obsolete spelling of acetonemia.
ACETONAEMIA n. an abnormal increase of ketone bodies in the blood, also ACETONEMIA.
ANAEMICALLYanaemically adv. Alternative spelling of anemically.
anæmically adv. Archaic form of anemically.
ANAEMIC adv. suffering from anaemia, also ANEMIC.
BACILLAEMIAbacillaemia n. (Pathology) The presence of bacilli in the bloodstream.
BACILLAEMIA n. the presence of bacilli in the blood, also BACILLEMIA.
BACTERAEMIAbacteraemia n. The medical condition of having bacteria in the bloodstream.
bacteræmia n. Alternative spelling of bacteraemia.
BACTERAEMIA n. the presence of bacteria in the blood, also BACTEREMIA.
BACTERAEMICbacteraemic adj. Alternative form of bacteremic.
BACTERAEMIC adj. containing, caused by, or pertaining to bacteraemia, also BACTEREMIC.
ERYTHRAEMIAerythraemia n. Alternative form of erythremia.
ERYTHRAEMIA n. another name for the medical condition polycythaemia vera, also ERYTHREMIA.
HYPERAEMIAShyperaemias n. Plural of hyperaemia.
HYPERAEMIA n. an excess or congestion of blood in an organ or part of the body, also HYPEREMIA.
HYPOXAEMIAShypoxaemias n. Plural of hypoxaemia.
HYPOXAEMIA n. a deficiency of oxygenation of the blood, also HYPOXEMIA, HYPOXIA.
KETONAEMIASKETONAEMIA n. an excess of ketone bodies in the blood, also KETONEMIA.
MELANAEMIASMELANAEMIA n. the presence of melanin in the blood.
SEPTICAEMIAsepticaemia n. Alternative spelling of septicemia.
septicæmia n. (Pathology) Obsolete spelling of septicaemia.
SEPTICAEMIA n. blood-poisoning with presence of bacteria and their toxins in blood, also SEPTICEMIA.
SEPTICAEMICsepticaemic adj. Alternative spelling of septicemic.
SEPTICAEMIC adj. relating to septicaemia, also SEPTICEMIC.
TULARAEMIASTULARAEMIA n. a disease of rodents caused by a bacterium, and transmissible to humans, also TULAREMIA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 43 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
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