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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing ATOS

APATOSAURSapatosaurs n. Plural of apatosaur.
APATOSAUR n. a kind of long-necked dinosaur, also APATOSAURUS.
COMATOSELYcomatosely adv. In, or as if in, a coma; in a manner that is sluggish, oblivious, etc.
COMATOSE adv. relating to, or resembling, coma.
DERMATOSESdermatoses n. Plural of dermatosis.
DERMATOSIS n. any skin disease.
DERMATOSISdermatosis n. (Medicine) Any disease of the skin.
DERMATOSIS n. any skin disease.
HAEMATOSESHAEMATOSIS n. the formation of blood; conversion of venous into arterial blood, also HEMATOSIS.
HAEMATOSIShaematosis n. Alternative form of hematosis.
HAEMATOSIS n. the formation of blood; conversion of venous into arterial blood, also HEMATOSIS.
INAMORATOSinamoratos n. Plural of inamorato.
INAMORATO n. (Italian) a (male) lover; beloved person.
MACCHIATOSmacchiatos n. Plural of macchiato.
MACCHIATO n. (Italian) espresso coffee served with a dash of hot or cold milk.
OBBLIGATOSobbligatos n. Plural of obbligato.
OBBLIGATO n. (Italian) a musical accompaniment of independent importance, esp. that of a single instrument to a vocal piece, also OBLIGATO.
OEDEMATOSEoedematose adj. Alternative form of edematous.
OEDEMATOSE adj. pertaining to, or of the nature of, oedema, also EDEMATOSE, EDEMATOUS, OEDEMATOUS.
PIZZICATOSpizzicatos n. Plural of pizzicato.
PIZZICATO n. a tone so produced; a passage so played.
STATOSCOPEstatoscope n. An instrument used for indicating or recording small changes in barometric pressure or in the altitude of an aircraft.
STATOSCOPE n. an instrument for measuring small changes in atmospheric pressure.
STIGMATOSEstigmatose adj. (Botany) Having a stigma; stigmatic.
STIGMATOSE adj. stigmatic.
THANATOSESthanatoses n. Plural of thanatosis.
THANATOS n. (Greek) in Freudian psychology, the urge for destruction or self-destruction.
THANATOSISthanatosis n. The act of feigning death.
thanatosis n. The death of part of an organism; gangrene.
THANATOSIS n. gangrene.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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