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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing ATEN

BROWBEATENbrowbeaten v. Past participle of browbeat.
browbeaten adj. Intimidated or subjugated.
brow-beaten v. Past participle of brow-beat.
CATENACCIOcatenaccio n. (Soccer) A system of defensive play focused on nullifying opponents’ attacks and preventing goal-scoring…
CATENACCIO n. (Italian) a defensive system of play in football.
CATENARIANcatenarian adj. Catenary; like a chain.
CATENARIAN adj. of or pertaining to chains.
CATENARIEScatenaries n. Plural of catenary.
CATENARY n. a curve of the kind formed by a uniform chain hanging freely from two points not in the same vertical line.
CATENATINGcatenating v. Present participle of catenate.
CATENATE v. to link together.
CATENATIONcatenation n. The act or process of catenating.
catenation n. (Chemistry) The ability of a few elements, most especially carbon, to yield chains and rings by forming…
CATENATION n. connection of links or union of parts, as in a chain; a regular or connected series.
CATENULATEcatenulate adj. (Botany, zoology) In the form of a chain of linked parts.
catenulate v. To form into a chain.
CATENULATE adj. of certain spores, formed in a row or chain.
GREATENINGgreatening v. Present participle of greaten.
GREATEN v. to make great.
INCATENATEINCATENATE v. to chain together.
INNATENESSinnateness n. The condition of being innate.
INNATENESS n. the quality of being innate.
LATENESSESlatenesses n. Plural of lateness.
LATENESS n. the quality of being late.
OBLATENESSoblateness n. (Uncountable) The state of being oblate.
oblateness n. (Countable) The degree to which something is oblate.
OBLATENESS n. the state of being oblate.
ORNATENESSornateness n. The state of being ornate.
ORNATENESS n. the state of being ornate.
OVERBEATENoverbeaten v. Past participle of overbeat.
OVERBEAT v. to beat too much.
PATENTABLEpatentable adj. (Law) Able to be protected by a patent; for which a patent can be granted.
PATENTABLE adj. suitable to be patented.
SEDATENESSsedateness n. The state or quality of being sedate; calmness of mind, manner, or countenance.
SEDATENESS n. the state of being sedate.
THREATENEDthreatened v. Simple past tense and past participle of threaten.
threatened adj. (Ecology, of a plant or animal) At risk of becoming endangered in the near future.
threatened adj. Feeling insecure or vulnerable.
THREATENERthreatener n. One who threatens.
THREATENER n. one who threatens.
UNDEREATENundereaten v. Past participle of undereat.
UNDEREAT v. to eat an insufficient amount.
UNPATENTEDunpatented adj. Not patented.
UNPATENTED adj. not patented.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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