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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing ASAN

DEFEASANCEdefeasance n. (Now rare) Destruction, defeat, overthrow.
defeasance n. (US, law) The rendering void of a contract or deed; an annulment or abrogation.
defeasance v. (US, law, transitive) To void; to annul.
DEGREASANTdegreasant n. Synonym of degreaser.
DEGREASANT n. a substance which removes grease.
MALFEASANTmalfeasant adj. Of or relating to malfeasance or misconduct.
malfeasant n. Someone guilty of such conduct; a malefactor.
MALFEASANT n. (French) one who does wrong.
PEASANTIERPEASANTY adj. in the style of a peasant.
PHEASANTRYpheasantry n. (Zoology) A place for keeping and rearing pheasants.
PHEASANTRY n. a place for keeping and rearing pheasants.
PLEASANCESpleasances n. Plural of pleasance.
PLEASANCE n. (archaic) a pleasure ground or specialized part of a garden.
PLEASANTERpleasanter adj. Comparative form of pleasant: more pleasant.
PLEASANT adj. pleasing.
PLEASANTLYpleasantly adv. In a pleasant manner; so as to achieve a pleasant result.
pleasantly adv. (Degree) Lightly.
pleasantly adv. (Obsolete) Ludicrously.
PLEASANTRYpleasantry n. (Sometimes proscribed) A casual, courteous remark.
pleasantry n. A playful remark; a jest.
pleasantry n. (Dated) Anything that promotes pleasure or merriment.
SHAVASANASshavasanas n. Plural of shavasana.
SHAVASANA n. a meditative posture in which one lies on one's back that is typically considered the final resting pose in yoga, also SAVASANA.
UNPLEASANTunpleasant adj. Not pleasant.
UNPLEASANT adj. not pleasant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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