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There are 12 ten-letter words containing AQUI

AQUIFEROUSaquiferous adj. (Geology) Of or pertaining to an aquifer.
aquiferous adj. Carrying water.
AQUIFEROUS adj. consisting or conveying water or a watery fluid.
AQUILEGIASaquilegias n. Plural of aquilegia.
AQUILEGIA n. a genus of plants including columbine.
AQUILINITYaquilinity n. The quality of being aquiline (resembling an eagle).
AQUILINITY n. the state of being aquiline.
BALDAQUINSbaldaquins n. Plural of baldaquin.
BALDAQUIN n. a rich embroidered material, originally woven with woof of silk and warp of gold thread, also BALDACHIN, BALDACHINO, BAUDEKIN, BAWDKIN.
MAQUILLAGEmaquillage n. Makeup, cosmetics, or its application, especially in theatrical or excessive use.
MAQUILLAGE n. (French) makeup.
MAQUISARDSmaquisards n. Plural of maquisard.
MAQUISARD n. a member of the maquis, a guerrilla resistance force.
PARAQUITOSparaquitos n. Plural of paraquito.
PRIMAQUINEprimaquine n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic compound derived from quinoline, used as a medication in the treatment of…
PRIMAQUINE n. an antimalarial drug.
QUINAQUINAquinaquina n. Cinchona bark, quinquina.
QUINAQUINA n. (Quechua) a tree yielding cinchona bark, from which quinine is made, also CHINACHINA, CINCHONA, KINA, KINAKINA, QUINA, QUINQUINA.
SAQUINAVIRsaquinavir n. (Pharmacology) An antiretroviral drug C38H50N6O5 of the protease inhibitor class that is used in the…
TOTAQUINESTOTAQUINE n. a mixture of quinine and alkaloids used as an antimalarial.
ULTRAQUIETultraquiet adj. Extremely quiet.
ULTRAQUIET adj. very very quiet.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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