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There are 11 ten-letter words containing APOP

APOPEMPTICapopemptic adj. Pertaining to departing; farewell, valedictory.
apopemptic n. (Obsolete) A farewell or parting address.
APOPEMPTIC adj. relating to departing or leave-taking; valedictory.
APOPHENIASapophenias n. Plural of apophenia.
APOPHENIA n. the tendency to mistakenly perceive connections and meaning between unrelated things.
APOPHONIESapophonies n. Plural of apophony.
APOPHONY n. a change in root vowels of verb forms.
APOPHTHEGMapophthegm n. (UK) Alternative spelling of apothegm.
APOPHTHEGM n. (Greek) a short, pithy and instructive saying or formulation, also APOTHEGM.
APOPHYSATEapophysate adj. (Anatomy) Possessing an apophysis.
APOPHYSATE adj. relating to an apophysis, an expanded or projecting part of an organism, esp. of bone, also APOPHYSEAL, APOPHYSIAL.
APOPHYSEALapophyseal adj. Of or pertaining to an apophysis.
APOPHYSEAL adj. relating to an apophysis, an expanded or projecting part of an organism, esp. of bone, also APOPHYSATE, APOPHYSIAL.
APOPHYSIALapophysial adj. Alternative form of apophyseal.
APOPHYSIAL adj. relating to an apophysis, an expanded or projecting part of an organism, esp. of bone, also APOPHYSATE, APOPHYSEAL.
APOPLECTICapoplectic adj. (Medicine) Of or relating to apoplexy.
apoplectic adj. Marked by extreme anger or fury.
apoplectic adj. (Archaic) Effused with blood.
APOPLEXIESapoplexies n. Plural of apoplexy.
APOPLEXY n. a sudden loss of sensation and movement due to a disturbance of blood supply to the brain.
APOPLEXINGAPOPLEX v. to affect with apoplexy.
APOPROTEINapoprotein n. (Biochemistry) The polypeptide part of a conjugated protein; for example, an apolipoprotein plus a lipid…
APOPROTEIN n. the protein component of a conjugated protein.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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