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There are 15 ten-letter words containing AMBI

AMBIDEXTERambidexter n. Someone who is ambidextrous.
ambidexter n. (Archaic) A lawyer who takes fees from both plaintiff and defendant.
ambidexter n. (By extension) Someone who is two-faced; a double-dealer, such as a cheat or a crook.
AMBIOPHONYAMBIOPHONY n. the reproduction of sound to create an illusion to a listener of being in a spacious room, such as a concert hall.
AMBISEXUALambisexual adj. (Zoology) Hermaphroditic.
ambisexual adj. Bisexual: attracted to persons of either sex.
ambisexual adj. Unisex: fit for persons of either sex.
AMBISONICSambisonics n. A form of surround sound reproduction, using two or more transmission channels and four or more speakers…
AMBISONICS n. the technique of reproducing and transmitting surround sound.
AMBITIONEDambitioned adj. Having ambition.
AMBITION v. to seek with eagerness.
AMBIVALENTambivalent adj. Simultaneously experiencing or expressing opposing or contradictory feelings, beliefs, or motivations.
ambivalent adj. Alternately having one opinion or feeling, and then the opposite.
AMBIVALENT adj. having conflicting emotional attitudes towards the same object.
CHOLIAMBICcholiambic adj. (Poetry) Employing or relating to choliambs, or limping iambs.
choliambic n. (Poetry) A choliamb.
CHOLIAMBIC n. a verse having an iambus in the fifth place, and a spondee in the sixth or last, also CHOLIAMB.
CHORIAMBICchoriambic adj. Of or relating to a choriamb.
choriambic n. A choriamb.
CHORIAMBIC n. a metrical foot comprising a trochee and an iambus, also CHORIAMB, CHORIAMBUS.
EXCAMBIONSexcambions n. Plural of excambion.
EXCAMBION n. in Scots law, exchange of lands, also EXCAMBIUM.
EXCAMBIUMSEXCAMBIUM n. in Scots law, exchange of lands, also EXCAMBION.
GALLIAMBICgalliambic adj. (Poetry) Relating to a galliambus.
GALLIAMBIC n. a classical metre.
IAMBICALLYiambically adv. According to iambic meter.
IAMBIC adv. consisting of iambs.
LAMBITIVESlambitives n. Plural of lambitive.
LAMBITIVE n. (obsolete) a medicine taken by licking.
PROCAMBIALprocambial adj. Relating to a procambium.
PROCAMBIAL adj. relating to procambium, the young tissue of a fibrovascular bundle before its component cells have begun to be differentiated.
PROCAMBIUMprocambium n. (Botany) A meristem that lies just inside the protoderm and develops into primary xylem and primary phloem.
PROCAMBIUM n. the young tissue of a fibrovascular bundle before its component cells have begun to be differentiated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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