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There are 16 ten-letter words containing ALUM

ALUMINATESaluminates n. Plural of aluminate.
ALUMINATE n. a salt whose acid is aluminum hydroxide.
ALUMINIDESaluminides n. Plural of aluminide.
ALUMINIDE n. a compound that has aluminium with more electropositive elements.
ALUMINISEDaluminised v. Simple past tense and past participle of aluminise.
aluminised adj. Having the property of being coated with aluminium.
ALUMINISE v. to treat metal so as to form an aluminum coating on its surface, also ALUMINIZE.
ALUMINISESaluminises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of aluminise.
ALUMINISE v. to treat metal so as to form an aluminum coating on its surface, also ALUMINIZE.
ALUMINIUMSaluminiums n. Plural of aluminium.
ALUMINIUM n. a light silvery malleable and ductile metallic element, also ALUMINUM, ALUMIUM.
ALUMINIZEDaluminized v. Simple past tense and past participle of aluminize.
aluminized adj. US, Canada, and Oxford standard spelling of aluminised.
ALUMINIZE v. to treat metal so as to form an aluminum coating on its surface, also ALUMINISE.
ALUMINIZESaluminizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of aluminize.
ALUMINIZE v. to treat metal so as to form an aluminum coating on its surface, also ALUMINISE.
ALUMSTONESalumstones n. Plural of alumstone.
alum␣stones n. Plural of alum stone.
ALUMSTONE n. a hydrous sulphate of aluminum and potassium, aka alunite.
CALUMNIATEcalumniate v. (Transitive) To make hurtful untrue comments about.
calumniate v. (Transitive) To levy a false charge against, especially of a vague offense, with the intent to damage…
CALUMNIATE v. to slander; misrepresent; besmirch.
CALUMNIOUScalumnious adj. Possessing the traits of calumny.
CALUMNIOUS adj. containing or implying calumny; as, calumnious reports.
CALUMNYINGcalumnying v. Present participle of calumny.
CALUMNY v. to utter false charges calculated to damage another's reputation.
CHALUMEAUSchalumeaus n. Plural of chalumeau.
CHALUMEAU n. (French) an early rustic reed instrument that developed into the clarinet.
CHALUMEAUXchalumeaux n. Plural of chalumeau.
CHALUMEAU n. (French) an early rustic reed instrument that developed into the clarinet.
DURALUMINSduralumins n. Plural of duralumin.
DURALUMIN n. (tradename) a strong light aluminum alloy containing copper, also DURAL, DURALUMINIUM.
GALUMPHERSgalumphers n. Plural of galumpher.
GALUMPHER n. one who galumphs, moves with a clumsy heavy tread.
GALUMPHINGgalumphing v. (Nonce word) Galloping in a triumphant manner.
galumphing v. Present participle of galumph.
GALUMPH v. to move with a clumsy heavy tread, also GALLUMPH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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