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There are 19 ten-letter words containing AEMO

CACODAEMONcacodaemon n. A wicked or malevolent spirit as opposed to agathodemon (a good spirit).
cacodaemon n. Twelfth astrological House, from which only evil prognostics are alleged to proceed. (Can we add an…
cacodaemon n. (Obsolete) A nightmare.
EUDAEMONIAeudaemonia n. Alternative spelling of eudemonia.
Eudaemonia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Saturniidae.
eudæmonia n. Obsolete spelling of eudemonia.
EUDAEMONICeudaemonic adj. Of or pertaining to a eudaemon.
eudaemonic adj. That produces satisfied happiness and well-being.
eudæmonic adj. Alternative spelling of eudaemonic.
HAEMOCOELShaemocoels n. Plural of haemocoel.
HAEMOCOEL n. the central body cavity of many invertebrates, also HEMOCOEL.
HAEMOCONIAhaemoconia n. Small particles of lipids formed by fragmentation of the stroma of erythrocytes. They are ingested by…
HAEMOCONIA n. small colourless granules in the blood, aka blood-dust, also HEMOCONIA.
HAEMOCYTEShaemocytes n. Plural of haemocyte.
HAEMOCYTE n. a blood cell, esp. a red cell, also HEMOCYTE.
HAEMOLYMPHhaemolymph n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of hemolymph.
HAEMOLYMPH n. the bloodlike fluid of invertebrates, also HEMOLYMPH.
HAEMOLYSEDhaemolysed v. Simple past tense and past participle of haemolyse.
HAEMOLYSE v. to break down red blood cells, also HAEMOLYZE, HEMOLYSE, HEMOLYZE.
HAEMOLYSEShaemolyses n. Plural of haemolysis.
HAEMOLYSIS n. breaking up of red blood-corpuscles.
HAEMOLYSINhaemolysin n. Alternative spelling of hemolysin.
HAEMOLYSIN n. any substance, esp. an antibody, that causes the breakdown of red blood cells, also HEMOLYSIN.
HAEMOLYSIShaemolysis n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of hemolysis.
hæmolysis n. Obsolete form of hemolysis.
HAEMOLYSIS n. breaking up of red blood-corpuscles.
HAEMOLYTIChaemolytic adj. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of hemolytic.
HAEMOLYTIC adj. relating to haemolysis, the breaking up of red blood-corpuscles, also HEMOLYTIC.
HAEMOLYZEDhaemolyzed v. Simple past tense and past participle of haemolyze.
HAEMOLYZE v. to break down red blood cells, also HAEMOLYSE, HEMOLYSE, HEMOLYZE.
HAEMOLYZEShaemolyzes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of haemolyze.
HAEMOLYZE v. to break down red blood cells, also HAEMOLYSE, HEMOLYSE, HEMOLYZE.
HAEMOPHILEHAEMOPHILE n. a person with haemophilia, also HEMOPHILE.
HAEMOPHILISorry, definition not available.
HAEMOSTATShaemostats n. Plural of haemostat.
HAEMOSTAT n. an instrument for stopping bleeding, also HEMOSTAT.
HAEMOTOXIChaemotoxic adj. Alternative form of hemotoxic.
HAEMOTOXIC adj. of or like a haemotoxin, a substance that destroys red blood cells, also HEMOTOXIC.
HAEMOTOXINhaemotoxin n. Alternative form of hemotoxin.
HAEMOTOXIN n. a substance that destroys red blood cells, also HEMOTOXIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 48 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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