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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing ABEL

BABELESQUEBabelesque adj. Reminiscent of the Tower of Babel; marked by the inability to communicate with and understand each other.
BABELESQUE adj. full of confused sound and voices.
CLARABELLAclarabella n. A wooden organ stop that emulates the sound of a flute.
CLARABELLA n. an organ stop having a sweet fluty tone, also CLARIBELLA.
FLABELLATEflabellate adj. (Botany, zoology) Fan-shaped; having parts or segments that are flattened and lengthened on one side…
FLABELLATE adj. fan-shaped.
ISABELLINEisabelline adj. Coloured a greyish yellow.
Isabelline adj. Of or related to Isabella I of Castile.
Isabelline adj. Of a style of Spanish Gothic architecture that flourished under Isabella I of Castile.
KABELJOUWSkabeljouws n. Plural of kabeljouw.
KABELJOUW n. (South African) a large South African fish, also KABELJOU.
LABELLABLElabellable adj. Alternative spelling of labelable.
LABELLABLE adj. that can be labelled, also LABELABLE.
LABELLINGSlabellings n. Plural of labelling.
LABELLING n. the act of attaching a tag to.
LABELLISTSLABELLIST n. (New Zealand) one who wears only clothes with fashionable labels.
LABELMATESlabelmates n. Plural of labelmate.
LABELMATE n. a singer or musician who records for the same company as another.
MIRABELLESmirabelles n. Plural of mirabelle.
MIRABELLE n. (French) a European species of plum-tree; the small, yellow, firm-fleshed fruit of this.
MISLABELEDmislabeled v. Simple past tense and past participle of mislabel.
MISLABEL v. to label incorrectly or falsely.
PORTABELLAportabella n. Alternative spelling of portobello.
PORTABELLA n. a variety of button mushroom, also PORTABELLO, PORTOBELLO.
PORTABELLOportabello n. Alternative spelling of portobello.
PORTABELLO n. a variety of button mushroom, also PORTABELLA, PORTOBELLO.
RADIOLABELradiolabel v. To tag a substance (especially a biological substance) with a radioactive tracer.
radiolabel n. A radioactive tracer; a radiotracer.
RADIOLABEL n. a label on a radioactive substance.
RELABELINGrelabeling v. Present participle of relabel.
relabeling n. An act or instance of giving something a different label.
RELABEL v. to label again.
RELABELLEDrelabelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of relabel.
RELABEL v. to label again.
TABELLIONStabellions n. Plural of tabellion.
TABELLION n. (Latin) an official scrivener in the Roman empire and elsewhere.
UNLABELLEDunlabelled adj. (British spelling) Not labelled; having no label.
UNLABELLED adj. not labelled, also UNLABELED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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