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There are 15 words containing AXW

PAXWAXpaxwax n. (Anatomy, obsolete) A strong ligament of the back of the neck in quadrupeds, connecting the back of…
PAXWAX n. the strong tendon in an animal's neck, also PACKWAX.
MAXWELLmaxwell n. (Physics) A unit of magnetic flux that produces one abvolt per turn per second.
Maxwell prop.n. A Scottish habitational surname from Mackeswell near Melrose.
Maxwell prop.n. A male given name transferred from the surname.
TAXWISEtaxwise adv. In terms of taxation.
TAXWISE adj. pertaining to taxes.
WAXWEEDwaxweed n. Any of various plants of the genus Cuphea.
WAXWEED n. an annual herb.
WAXWINGwaxwing n. Any of several songbirds of the genus Bombycilla, having crested heads, and red tips to the wings.
WAXWING n. a member of a genus of passerine birds, which have red waxlike tips to the inner wing feathers.
WAXWORKwaxwork n. (Countable) A figure made of wax, especially an effigy of a famous person.
waxwork n. (Uncountable) The art of producing such figures.
WAXWORK n. an effigy in wax.
WAXWORMwaxworm n. A larva of a wax moth.
waxworm n. A larva of the Indian meal moth (Plodia interpunctella).
WAXWORM n. a moth that infests beehives.
MAXWELLSmaxwells n. Plural of maxwell.
MAXWELL n. a unit of magnetic flux.
PAXWAXESPAXWAX n. the strong tendon in an animal's neck, also PACKWAX.
WAXWEEDSwaxweeds n. Plural of waxweed.
WAXWEED n. an annual herb.
WAXWINGSwaxwings n. Plural of waxwing.
WAXWING n. a member of a genus of passerine birds, which have red waxlike tips to the inner wing feathers.
WAXWORKSwaxworks n. Plural of waxwork.
waxworks n. An exhibition of waxwork figures; a wax museum.
WAXWORK n. an effigy in wax.
WAXWORMSwaxworms n. Plural of waxworm.
WAXWORM n. a moth that infests beehives.
WAXWORKERwaxworker n. A worker in the wax industry.
waxworker n. An artist who makes waxworks.
waxworker n. (Archaic) A bee that produces wax.
WAXWORKERSwaxworkers n. Plural of waxworker.
WAXWORKER n. one who works in wax.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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