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There are 14 words containing AJU

BAJUbaju n. A traditional Malay jacket worn with a sarong.
BAJU n. (Malay) a short loose jacket worn in Malaysia and Indonesia.
AJUGAajuga n. Any plant in the genus Ajuga, especially the ornamental ground cover Ajuga reptans.
Ajuga prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Lamiaceae – bugleweed.
AJUGA n. (Latin) a genus of plants, including bugle.
BAJUSbajus n. Plural of baju.
BAJU n. (Malay) a short loose jacket worn in Malaysia and Indonesia.
CAJUNcajun adj. Alternative letter-case form of Cajun.
Cajun n. A member of the ethnic group descending from Acadia, primarily French-speaking Catholic and living in…
Cajun n. (Ethnic slur, dated) Any uneducated poor Francophone in French Louisiana.
AJUGASajugas n. Plural of ajuga.
AJUGA n. (Latin) a genus of plants, including bugle.
AJUTAGEajutage n. A tube through which is water is discharged; an efflux tube.
AJUTAGE n. (French) a tube added to or inserted into an aperture to control the outflow of water, as a pipe at the mouth of an artificial fountain, also ADJUTAGE.
CAJUPUTcajuput n. Cajuput oil.
cajuput n. Cajuput tree.
CAJUPUT n. (Malay) a volatile oil, distilled from the leaves of an East Indian tree, also CAJAPUT, CAJEPUT, KAJEPUT.
AJUTAGESajutages n. Plural of ajutage.
AJUTAGE n. (French) a tube added to or inserted into an aperture to control the outflow of water, as a pipe at the mouth of an artificial fountain, also ADJUTAGE.
CAJUPUTSCAJUPUT n. (Malay) a volatile oil, distilled from the leaves of an East Indian tree, also CAJAPUT, CAJEPUT, KAJEPUT.
MAJUSCULEmajuscule n. A capital letter, especially one used in ancient manuscripts.
MAJUSCULE n. a capital or other large letter, esp. one used in ancient manuscripts.
MAJUSCULARmajuscular adj. (Of letters) uppercase, capitalized.
MAJUSCULAR adj. of letters, capital.
MAJUSCULESmajuscules n. Plural of majuscule.
MAJUSCULE n. a capital or other large letter, esp. one used in ancient manuscripts.
EXTRAJUDICIALextrajudicial adj. (Law) Out of or beyond the power or authority of a court or judge; beyond jurisdiction.
extrajudicial adj. (Law, of a punishment) Carried out without legal authority.
EXTRAJUDICIAL adj. not forming a valid part of regular legal proceedings.
EXTRAJUDICIALLYextrajudicially adv. Outside of the legal system.
EXTRAJUDICIAL adv. not forming a valid part of regular legal proceedings.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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