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There are 16 words containing AAT

ADVOCAATadvocaat n. A Dutch liqueur made of egg yolks, sugar and strong liquor, typically brandy.
ADVOCAAT n. (Dutch) a liqueur containing rum and raw eggs.
ADVOCAATSadvocaats n. Plural of advocaat.
ADVOCAAT n. (Dutch) a liqueur containing rum and raw eggs.
ATAATAATAATA n. (Maori) a grazing marine gastropod.
ATAATASATAATA n. (Maori) a grazing marine gastropod.
BRAATABRAATA n. (Spanish) a small portion added to a purchase of food by a vendor to encourage the person to return, also BRAATAS, BROUGHTA, BROUGHTAS.
BRAATASBRAATAS n. (Spanish) a small portion added to a purchase of food by a vendor to encourage the person to return, also BRAATA, BROUGHTA, BROUGHTAS.
BRAATASESBRAATAS n. (Spanish) a small portion added to a purchase of food by a vendor to encourage the person to return, also BRAATA, BROUGHTA, BROUGHTAS.
CAATINGAcaatinga n. A sparse, thorny wooded area of northeastern Brazil containing drought-resistant trees.
CAATINGA n. (Tupi) in Brazil, open, low forest on white sandy soil derived from granite.
CAATINGAScaatingas n. Plural of caatinga.
CAATINGA n. (Tupi) in Brazil, open, low forest on white sandy soil derived from granite.
JAMAATjamaat n. (Islam) Party; community; group; assembly.
jamaat n. (Islam) A company of men; congregation.
jamaat n. (Islam) A group of Muslims offering prayers together.
JAMAATSjamaats n. Plural of jamaat.
JAMAAT n. (Arabic) an Islamic council or assembly.
KIAATkiaat n. Pterocarpus angolensis, African teak.
KIAAT n. (South African) a tropical African leguminous tree.
KIAATSkiaats n. Plural of kiaat.
KIAAT n. (South African) a tropical African leguminous tree.
MAATJESmaatjes n. Plural of maatje.
MAATJES n. (Danish) a young herring, treated, and served as an hors d'oeuvre, also MATJES.
TAATATAATA n. (East Africa) a child's word for father.
TAATASTAATA n. (East Africa) a child's word for father.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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