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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing ADG

BADGELESSbadgeless adj. Without a badge.
BADGELESS adj. without a badge.
BADGERINGbadgering v. Present participle of badger.
badgering n. The act of one who badgers, pesters, or annoys.
BADGER v. to pester or harass.
GADGETEERgadgeteer n. Someone interested in, or owning a lot of, gadgets.
GADGETEER n. someone who delights in gadgets.
GADGETIERGADGETY adj. of or like a gadget.
HEADGATESheadgates n. Plural of headgate.
HEADGATE n. a gate to control the flow of water.
HEADGEARSheadgears n. Plural of headgear.
HEADGEAR n. a covering for the head.
HEADGUARDheadguard n. A padded protection worn on the head in certain sports.
headguard n. The roof section of a forklift truck, protecting the driver’s head from falling objects.
HEADGUARD n. a padded helmet worn to protect the head in contact sports.
REBADGINGrebadging v. Present participle of rebadge.
rebadging n. An instance of something being rebadged.
REBADGE v. to market a product under a new brand name.
TOADGRASStoad-grass n. Toad rush.
TOADGRASS n. a kind of low rush, also TOADRUSH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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