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There are 20 eight-letter words containing ANY

ANYPLACEanyplace adv. (Informal, chiefly US) At a non-specific place; anywhere.
ANYPLACE adv. anywhere at all.
ANYTHINGanything pron. Any object, act, state, event, or fact whatever; a thing of any kind; something or other.
anything pron. (With “as” or “like”) Expressing an indefinite comparison.
anything n. Someone or something of importance.
ANYWHEREanywhere adv. In or at any location or an unknown location.
anywhere adv. To (in the direction of) any location or an unknown location.
anywhere pron. Any location or an unknown location.
EPIPHANYepiphany n. An illuminating realization or discovery, often resulting in a personal feeling of elation, awe, or wonder.
epiphany n. A manifestation or appearance of a divine or superhuman being.
epiphany n. (Christianity) Alternative letter-case form of Epiphany.
FENTANYLfentanyl n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic opioid narcotic analgesic C22H28N2O with pharmacological action similar to…
FENTANYL n. a narcotic opioid.
GANYMEDEGanymede prop.n. (Greek mythology) A Trojan boy who was abducted (either by Zeus or Eos), and ultimately became immortal…
Ganymede prop.n. (Astronomy) A moon of Jupiter.
Ganymede n. A servant boy or young waiter, particularly one who serves liquor.
GUANYLICguanylic adj. (Organic chemistry) Relating to guanylic acid (guanosine monophosphate) or its derivatives.
GUANYLIC adj. as in guanylic acid, a nucleotide that is a constituent of DNA.
LANYARDSlanyards n. Plural of lanyard.
LANYARD n. a fastening rope on a ship, also LANIARD.
MAHOGANYmahogany n. (Uncountable) The wood of any of various tropical American evergreen trees, of the genus Swietenia…
mahogany n. (Countable) Any of the trees from which such wood comes.
mahogany n. (Regional) A Cornish drink made from gin and treacle.
MANYATASmanyatas n. Plural of manyata.
MANYATA n. a small Masai settlement, also MANYATTA.
MANYATTAmanyatta n. (East Africa) A Masai or Samburu settlement or compound, often temporary, established by a family or…
MANYATTA n. a small Masai settlement, also MANYATA.
MANYFOLDmanyfold adv. By many times.
manyfold adj. (Dated) many.
MANYFOLD adj. many in number, also MANIFOLD.
OVERMANYovermany pron. Too many.
OVERMANY n. an excess of people.
PARANYMSparanyms n. Plural of paranym.
PARANYM n. a euphemism; a word whose meaning is altered to conceal an evasion or untruth e.g. liberation for conquest.
QUIDDANYquiddany n. (Archaic) A confection of quinces, in consistency between a syrup and marmalade.
QUIDDANY n. a jelly or thick syrup made from sweetened quince juice.
QUIDDANY v. to make into quince jelly.
SANYASISsanyasis n. Plural of sanyasi.
SANYASI n. (Hindi) a Hindu ascetic or hermit who lives by begging, also SANNYASI, SANNYASIN.
STANYELSstanyels n. Plural of stanyel.
TANYARDStanyards n. (Britain) plural of tanyard.
TANYARD n. the section of a tannery containing the vats.
URANYLICuranylic adj. Relating to uranyl.
URANYLIC adj. relating to uranyl, uranium oxide.
ZANYISMSzanyisms n. Plural of zanyism.
ZANYISM n. the state of being a buffoon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 104 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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