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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing ANL

BANLIEUEbanlieue n. The outskirts of a city, especially in France, inhabited chiefly by poor people living in tenement-style housing.
BANLIEUE n. (French) a suburb.
BEANLIKEbeanlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a bean.
BEANLIKE adj. like a bean.
EANLINGSeanlings n. Plural of eanling.
EANLING n. (Shakespeare) a young lamb, also WEANEL, WEANLING, YEANLING.
FANLIGHTfanlight n. A semicircular or semioval window over a door or other window, normally having a fan-like structure…
fanlight n. An electric fan, usually a ceiling fan, that is also a light fixture.
FANLIGHT n. a half-circle window with crossbars arranged like ribs of fan.
MANLIESTmanliest adj. Superlative form of manly: most manly.
MANLY adj. having the qualities of a man.
MEDIANLYmedianly adv. In a median direction.
MEDIAN adv. middle.
PLANLESSplanless adj. Without a plan.
PLANLESS adj. without a plan.
SEAMANLYseamanly adj. Seamanlike.
SEAMANLY adj. like a seaman.
SOVRANLYsovranly adv. Archaic spelling of sovereignly.
SOVRANLY adv. supremely.
SPANLESSspanless adj. Incapable of being spanned.
SPANLESS adj. having no extent.
SWANLIKEswanlike adj. Similar to a swan or a characteristic of it, especially in elegance or grace.
swanlike adj. (Figuratively) Beautiful like a swan.
swanlike adv. In a swanlike way.
TANLINGStanlings n. Plural of tanling.
TANLING n. (Shakespeare) someone tanned by the sun.
VANLOADSvanloads n. Plural of vanload.
VANLOAD n. the quantity that a van can carry.
WEANLINGweanling n. Any young mammal that has been recently weaned.
weanling n. Specifically, a human child that has been recently weaned.
weanling n. Specifically, a young horse that has been weaned from its mother, but is less than one year old (usually…
YEANLINGyeanling n. The newly born offspring of a goat or sheep.
YEANLING n. an animal that is undergoing the process of weaning, also EANLING, WEANEL, WEANLING.
YEOMANLYyeomanly adj. Like a yeoman: stout and true.
yeomanly adj. Of or proper to the class of yeomen in British history.
yeomanly adv. Like a yeoman: stoutly and bravely.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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