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There are 17 eight-letter words containing ADH

ADHARMASadharmas n. Plural of adharma.
ADHARMA n. (Sanskrit) unrighteousness (the opposite of dharma).
ADHERENDadherend n. That which adheres to something else by adhesion.
ADHEREND n. the surface to which an adhesive sticks.
ADHERENTadherent adj. Adhesive, sticking to something.
adherent adj. Having the quality of clinging or sticking fast to something.
adherent adj. (Botany) Attaching or pressing against a different organ.
ADHERERSadherers n. Plural of adherer.
ADHERER n. one who remains close.
ADHERINGadhering v. Present participle of adhere.
ADHERE v. to become or remain attached or close to something.
ADHESIONadhesion n. The ability of a substance to stick to an unlike substance.
adhesion n. Persistent attachment or loyalty.
adhesion n. An agreement to adhere.
ADHESIVEadhesive adj. Sticky; tenacious, as glutinous substances.
adhesive adj. Apt or tending to adhere; clinging.
adhesive n. A substance, such as glue, that provides or promotes adhesion.
ADHIBITSadhibits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of adhibit.
ADHIBIT v. to attach; to administer, esp. as a remedy.
DEADHEADdeadhead n. A person either admitted to a theatrical or musical performance without charge, or paid to attend.
deadhead n. An employee of a transport company, especially a pilot, traveling as a passenger for logistical reasons…
deadhead n. Anyone traveling for free.
HEADHUNTheadhunt v. To cut off, and preserve, the heads of one’s enemies.
headhunt v. To actively recruit executive personnel.
headhunt v. (Baseball) To pitch at a batter’s head.
LADHOODSLADHOOD n. the state of being a lad.
MADHOUSEmadhouse n. (Obsolete) A house where insane persons are confined; an insane asylum.
madhouse n. (By extension) A chaotic, uproarious, noisy place.
MADHOUSE n. an insane asylum.
OMADHAUNomadhaun n. (Ireland) A fool, someone who is out of their senses, simpleton.
OMADHAUN n. (Irish) a fool, idiot, simpleton.
PRADHANSpradhans n. Plural of pradhan.
Pradhans prop.n. Plural of Pradhan.
PRADHAN n. (Hindi) (in India) a chief or leader.
ROADHOGSroadhogs n. Plural of roadhog.
road-hogs n. Plural of road-hog.
road␣hogs n. Plural of road hog.
SADHANASsadhanas n. Plural of sadhana.
SADHANA n. (Hindi) one of a number of spiritual practices or disciplines which lead to perfection.
SAMADHISsamadhis n. Plural of samadhi.
SAMADHI n. (Sanskrit) a state of oneness with the infinite.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 96 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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