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There are 16 seven-letter words containing AUP

DAUPHINdauphin n. The eldest son of the king of France. Under the Valois and Bourbon dynasties, the Dauphin of France…
dauphin n. (Allegorical): An eldest son.
Dauphin prop.n. A placename.
GAUPERSGAUPER n. one that gaups, also GAWPER.
GAUPINGgauping v. Present participle of gaup.
GAUP v. to stare stupidly, also GAWP, GORP.
GRAUPELgraupel n. (Meteorology, uncountable) A precipitation that forms when supercooled droplets of water condense on a snowflake.
graupel n. (Meteorology, countable) The result of this process, a small ball of rime.
GRAUPEL n. (German) precipitation consisting of granular snow pellets.
JAUPINGjauping v. Present participle of jaup.
JAUP v. (Scots) to splash or spatter, also JAP.
KAUPAPAkaupapa n. (New Zealand) Among the Māori people, a philosophy or set of principles.
KAUPAPA n. (Maori) a strategy or cause.
NAUPLIInauplii n. Plural of nauplius.
NAUPLIUS n. (Latin) a larval form in certain crustaceans.
PAUPERSpaupers n. Plural of pauper.
paupers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pauper.
PAUPER v. to reduce to poverty.
RAUPATURAUPATU n. (Maori) confiscation of land.
SCAUPEDSCAUP v. to cut the scalp from.
SCAUPERscauper n. A tool with a semicircular edge, used by engravers to clear away the spaces between the lines of an engraving.
SCAUPER n. a semicircular gouging chisel, also SCALPER, SCORPER.
TAUPATATAUPATA n. (Maori) a New Zealand tree with shiny dark green leaves.
TAUPIEStaupies n. Plural of taupie.
TAUPIE n. (Scots) a foolish or awkward young person, also TAWPIE.
YAUPERSyaupers n. Plural of yauper.
YAUPER n. one who yaups, yelps or barks, also YAWPER.
YAUPINGyauping v. Present participle of yaup.
YAUP v. to yelp or bark, also YAWP.
YAUPONSyaupons n. Plural of yaupon.
YAUPON n. (Catawba) a bushy evergreen shrub of the holly genus, also YAPON, YOUPON, YUPON.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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