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There are 20 seven-letter words containing APR

APRAXIAapraxia n. (Neurology) Total or partial loss of the ability to perform coordinated movements or manipulate objects…
APRAXIA n. an inability to perform voluntary bodily movements.
APRAXICapraxic adj. (Neurology) Relating to or exhibiting apraxia.
APRAXIC adj. unable to perform voluntary bodily movements, also APRACTIC.
APRICOTapricot n. A round sweet and juicy stone fruit, resembling peach or plum in taste, with a yellow-orange flesh…
apricot n. The apricot tree, Prunus armeniaca.
apricot n. (Color) A pale yellow-orange colour, like that of an apricot fruit.
APRONEDaproned adj. Wearing an apron.
APRON v. to cover with or as with an apron.
APROPOSapropos adj. Of an appropriate or pertinent nature.
apropos adj. By the way, incidental.
apropos prep. Regarding or concerning.
APROTICaprotic adj. (Chemistry, especially of a solvent) That does not contain (or cannot donate) a hydrogen ion (proton).
APROTIC adj. of a solvent, incapable of acting as a proton donor.
CAPRATEcaprate n. (Organic chemistry) Any salt or ester of capric acid.
CAPRATE n. a salt of capric acid.
CAPRESEcaprese adj. (Especially of food) Characteristic of Capri, including Caprese salad.
CAPRESE n. (Italian) a salad containing mozzarella, basil, tomatoes and olive oil.
CAPRICEcaprice n. An impulsive, seemingly unmotivated action, change of mind, or notion.
caprice n. A brief romance.
caprice n. An unpredictable or sudden condition, change, or series of changes.
CAPRIDScaprids n. Plural of caprid.
CAPRID n. a member of the goat family.
CAPRIFYcaprify v. (Transitive) To pollinate (figs) by caprification.
CAPRIFY v. to cultivate the goat-fig.
CAPRINEcaprine adj. Of or relating to goats.
caprine adj. Goatlike.
caprine n. Any of certain caprids (including sheep) that are regarded as being similar to the goat; any member…
CAPROCKcaprock n. (Geology) A harder or more resistant rock type overlying a weaker or less resistant rock type.
CAPROCK n. an overlying rock layer.
CAPROICcaproic adj. Of, pertaining to, or derived from caproic acid.
CAPROIC adj. applied to a type of fatty acid, having a goatlike smell, also CAPRIC, CAPRYLIC.
NAPRONSnaprons n. Plural of napron.
NAPRON n. (archaic) an apron.
PAPRICApaprica n. Dated form of paprika.
PAPRICA n. (Hungarian) a seasoning made from red peppers, also PAPRIKA.
PAPRIKApaprika n. (Uncountable) Powdered spice made from dried and ground fruits of sweet pepper (bell pepper) or chili…
paprika n. (Countable) A variety of the spice.
paprika n. (Countable, rare, commonly called "dried [bell/chilli] peppers" or "dried capsicums") A dried but not…
SAPROBEsaprobe n. (Biology) An organism that lives off of dead or decaying organic material.
SAPROBE n. (Greek) an organism that lives on decaying matter.
TAPROOMtaproom n. A bar or barroom; a room where alcoholic beverages are served on tap.
TAPROOM n. a room where liquors are kept on tap; a barroom.
TAPROOTtaproot n. (Botany) A long, tapering root possessed by many plants (such as carrots and dandelions).
TAPROOT n. the main root of a plant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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