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There are 15 seven-letter words containing AHI

AHIMSASAHIMSA n. (Sanskrit) in Hindu philosophy, the principle of noninjury to living beings.
BLAHINGblahing v. Present participle of blah.
BLAH v. to talk stupidly or insipidly.
CAHIERScahiers n. Plural of cahier.
CAHIER n. (French) a number of sheets of paper put loosely together; esp. one of the successive portions of a work printed in numbers.
KAMAHISkamahis n. Plural of kamahi.
KAMAHI n. (Maori) a tall New Zealand hardwood tree with pinkish flowers.
KARAHISkarahis n. Plural of karahi.
KARAHI n. (Hindi) a wok-like copper utensil used in Asian cookery; a dish prepared in this, also KADAI.
MEGAHITmegahit n. A large success or hit.
MEGAHIT n. something extremely successful.
PAKAHISPAKAHI n. (Maori) acid land unfit for cultivation, also PAKIHI.
SAHIBAHsahibah n. (India, archaic) A lady; a mistress; a female superior (used as a term of respect).
SAHIBAH n. (Hindi) a lady sahib, also SAHIBA.
SAHIBASsahibas n. Plural of sahiba.
SAHIBA n. (Hindi) a lady sahib, also SAHIBAH.
SAHIWALSahiwal prop.n. A town in western Pakistan.
Sahiwal n. Any of a breed of short-horned dairy cattle originating from the Sahiwal district.
SAHIWAL n. (Punjabi) any of a breed of humped dairy cattle.
SHAHIDSshahids n. Plural of shahid.
Shahids prop.n. Plural of Shahid.
SHAHID n. (Arabic) a martyr for the Islamic faith, also SHAHEED.
TAHINAStahinas n. Plural of tahina.
TAHINA n. (Arabic) a paste made of crushed sesame seeds, also TAHINI.
TAHINIStahinis n. Plural of tahini.
TAHINI n. (Arabic) a paste made of crushed sesame seeds, also TAHINA.
VAHINESvahines n. Plural of vahine.
VAHINE n. (Tahitian) a woman.
WAHINESwahines n. Plural of wahine.
WAHINE n. (Maori) a Maori woman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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