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There are 10 seven-letter words containing AGH

ATAGHANataghan n. Alternative form of yataghan.
ATAGHAN n. (Turkish) a Muslim long curved knife, also YATAGAN, YATAGHAN.
CREAGHScreaghs n. Plural of creagh.
creaghs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of creagh.
Creaghs prop.n. Plural of Creagh.
CURAGHScuraghs n. Plural of curagh.
CURAGH n. (Irish) a long-shaped boat similar to a coracle, also CURRACH, CURRAGH.
CURRAGHcurragh n. Alternative spelling of currach.
Curragh prop.n. A plain in County Kildare, Ireland; the site of a racecourse.
CURRAGH n. (Irish) a long-shaped boat similar to a coracle, also CURAGH, CURRACH.
JAGHIREjaghire n. Alternative spelling of jaghir.
JAGHIRE n. (Hindi) the government revenues of a tract of land assigned with power to administer, also JAGHIR, JAGIR.
JAGHIRSjaghirs n. Plural of jaghir.
JAGHIR n. (Hindi) the government revenues of a tract of land assigned with power to administer, also JAGHIRE, JAGIR.
MURRAGHMURRAGH n. a caddis fly which fishermen know that trout favour.
NURAGHEnuraghe n. (Archaeology) A dry-stone round megalithic tower found in Sardinia.
NURAGHE n. a broch-like Sardinian round tower, probably of the Bronze Age, also NURHAG.
NURAGHInuraghi n. Plural of nuraghe.
NURAGHE n. a broch-like Sardinian round tower, probably of the Bronze Age, also NURHAG.
SPREAGHspreagh n. (Scotland, obsolete) Plunder, especially cattle taken as booty.
SPREAGH n. (Gaelic) a cattle raid, a foray.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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