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There are 16 seven-letter words containing AES

CAESARScaesars n. Plural of caesar.
Caesars n. Plural of Caesar.
Cæsars n. Plural of Cæsar.
CAESIUMcaesium n. The chemical element (symbol Cs) with an atomic number of 55. It is a soft, gold-colored, highly reactive…
cæsium n. Alternative spelling of caesium.
CAESIUM n. a metallic element.
CAESTUScaestus n. Alternative form of cestus.
CAESTUS n. (Latin) a hand covering for ancient Roman boxers, also CESTUS.
CAESURAcaesura n. A pause or interruption in a poem, music, building, or other work of art.
caesura n. (Classical prosody) Using two words to divide a metrical foot.
caesura n. (Typography) The caesura mark ‖ or ||.
EUOUAESEUOUAE n. (Latin) a name for a Gregorian cadence, also EVOVAE.
EVOVAESEVOVAE n. (Latin) a name for a Gregorian cadence, also EUOUAE.
MAESTRImaestri n. Plural of maestro.
Maestri prop.n. A surname from Italian.
MAESTRO n. (Italian) a master of an art.
MAESTROmaestro n. (Chiefly music) A master in some art, especially a composer or conductor.
maestro n. (Slang) A gang elder in prison.
MAESTRO n. (Italian) a master of an art.
PAESANIpaesani n. Plural of paesano.
PAESANO n. (Spanish) a fellow countryman, also PAESAN, PAISAN, PAISANO.
PAESANOpaesano n. An Italian peasant or rustic.
PAESANO n. (Spanish) a fellow countryman, also PAESAN, PAISAN, PAISANO.
PAESANSPAESAN n. (Spanish) a fellow countryman, also PAESANO, PAISAN, PAISANO.
PRAESESPRAESES n. (Scots) a chairman or president, also PRESES.
REGGAESREGGAE n. a form of popular Jamaican music.
SUNDAESsundaes n. Plural of sundae.
SUNDAE n. a dish of ice-cream topped or mixed with fruit, nuts, syrup, whipped cream, etc.
WAESUCKWAESUCK interj. (Scots) interjection used to express pity, alas, also WAESUCKS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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