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There are 18 six-letter words containing AXE

AXEMANaxeman n. (Also figurative) A man who wields an axe.
axeman n. (Informal, music) A musician who plays a guitar or saxophone.
AXEMAN n. a man who uses an axe, also AXMAN.
AXEMENaxemen n. Plural of axeman.
AXEMAN n. a man who uses an axe, also AXMAN.
AXENICaxenic adj. (Biology) Containing only a single species of microorganism. For example, an "axenic culture" is a pure…
axenic adj. (Biology) Isolated from organisms of any other species.
AXENIC adj. not contaminated by or associated with any other living organisms, e.g. of pure cultures of microorganisms.
COAXEDcoaxed v. Simple past tense and past participle of coax.
COAX v. to cajole.
COAXERcoaxer n. A person who coaxes.
COAXER n. one who coaxes.
COAXEScoaxes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of coax.
coaxes n. Plural of coaxis.
COAX v. to cajole.
FLAXENflaxen adj. Made of or resembling flax fibers.
flaxen adj. A pale yellow brown; the colour of dried flax stalks and of the fiber obtained therefrom.
FLAXEN adj. pale yellow.
FLAXESflaxes n. Plural of flax.
Flaxes prop.n. Plural of Flax.
FLAX n. the fibres of the plant linum.
HOAXEDhoaxed v. Simple past tense and past participle of hoax.
HOAX v. to deceive.
HOAXERhoaxer n. Someone who perpetrates hoaxes.
HOAXER n. one that hoaxes.
HOAXEShoaxes n. Plural of hoax.
hoaxes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hoax.
HOAX v. to deceive.
LAXESTlaxest adj. Superlative form of lax: most lax.
LAX adj. slack, careless.
PRAXESpraxes n. Plural of praxis.
PRAXIS n. (Greek) practical use of a branch of learning.
TAXEMEtaxeme n. (Linguistics) A primitive feature of grammar, akin to a phoneme in phonology.
TAXEME n. any element of language that can affect the meaning of an utterance.
TAXERStaxers n. Plural of taxer.
TAXER n. one who imposes taxes, also TAXOR.
UNAXEDunaxed adj. Not axed or felled.
UNAXED adj. not axed.
WAXERSwaxers n. Plural of waxer.
WAXER n. one who waxes.
WAXEYEWAXEYE n. a small New Zealand bird with a white circle round its eye, aka tauhou.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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