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There are 18 six-letter words containing AUC

AUCEPSAUCEPS n. (Latin) a hawker or bird-tender.
AUCUBAaucuba n. Any of several decorative evergreen shrubs of the genus Aucuba.
AUCUBA n. a shrub of the dogwood family.
CAUCUScaucus n. A usually preliminary meeting of party members to nominate candidates for public office or delegates…
caucus n. A grouping of all the members of a legislature from the same party.
caucus n. A political interest group by members of a legislative body.
FAUCALfaucal adj. Relating to the fauces, or opening of the throat; faucial.
faucal n. (Phonetics) A sound produced in the fauces.
FAUCAL n. a sound produced in the passage from the mouth.
FAUCESfauces n. (Anatomy) The narrow passage from the mouth to the pharynx, situated between the soft palate and the…
fauces n. (Botany) The throat of a calyx, corolla, etc.
fauces n. (Zoology) That portion of the interior of a spiral shell which can be seen by looking into the aperture.
FAUCETfaucet n. (North America) An exposed plumbing fitting; a tap or spigot; a regulator for controlling the flow of…
faucet n. (Game development) One or several systems that inject currency into the game’s economy, thus controlling…
FAUCET n. a pipe inserted in a barrel to draw off liquid; (US) a tap.
GAUCHEgauche adj. Awkward or lacking in social graces; bumbling.
gauche adj. (Mathematics, archaic) Skewed, not plane.
gauche adj. (Chemistry) Describing a torsion angle of 60°.
GAUCHOgaucho n. A cowboy of the South American pampas.
gaucho n. (Finance, historical) A proposed currency intended to be used by Argentina and Brazil to make interregional payments.
GAUCHO n. (Spanish) a cowboy of the South American pampas.
GAUCIEGAUCIE adj. (Scots) portly, jolly, also GAUCY, GAWCY, GAWSIE, GAWSY.
LAUCHSLAUCH v. (Scots) to laugh.
PAUCALpaucal adj. Characterized by having a small number, greater than two, of (usually equivalent) components.
paucal adj. (Grammar) Pertaining to a language form referring to a few of something (three to around ten), as a…
paucal adj. (Linguistics) Expressing a relatively small quantity or degree.
RAUCIDraucid adj. (Obsolete) Hoarse, raucous.
RAUCID adj. loud and unruly, also RAUCOUS.
RAUCLERAUCLE adj. (Scots) rough, vigorous.
SAUCEDsauced v. Simple past tense and past participle of sauce.
sauced adj. (Cooking) Covered with sauce.
sauced adj. (Slang) drunk.
SAUCERsaucer n. A small shallow dish to hold a cup and catch drips.
saucer n. An object round and gently curved, shaped like a saucer.
saucer n. A circular sled without runners.
SAUCESsauces n. Plural of sauce.
sauces v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sauce.
SAUCE v. to serve with a liquid dressing.
SAUCHSSAUCH n. (Scots) a sallow, a willow tree, also SAUGH.
WAUCHTwaucht n. (Scotland) A large draught of any liquid.
waucht v. (Obsolete) To drink, to quaff.
WAUCHT v. (Scots) to drink in large draughts, also WAUGHT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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