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There are 16 six-letter words containing ASA

ASANASasanas n. Plural of asana.
ASANA n. (Sanskrit) a yoga posture.
ASARUMasarum n. Any plant of the genus Asarum.
Asarum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Aristolochiaceae – plants in the birthwort family.
ASARUM n. (Latin) the dried root of the wild ginger.
BASALTbasalt n. (Mineralogy) A hard mafic igneous rock of varied mineral content; volcanic in origin, which makes up…
basalt n. A type of unglazed pottery.
Basalt prop.n. A town in Colorado.
BASANSbasans n. Plural of basan.
BASAN n. (Arabic) a sheepskin roughly tanned and undressed.
BASANTBASANT n. (Urdu) a Pakistani spring festival.
CASABAcasaba n. A cultivar of the muskmelon (Cucumis melo), with bright yellow, wrinkled skin.
CASABA n. a variety of melon, also CASSABA.
CASAVAcasava n. Alternative form of cassava.
CASAVA n. a tropical plant whose roots yield a valuable starch, also CASSAVA.
KEASARkeasar n. Obsolete form of Kaiser.
KEASAR n. (obsolete) an emperor, also KAISER, KESAR.
KUBASAkubasa n. (Canada) A smoked pork sausage with garlic, originating in Eastern Europe.
KUBASA n. (Russian) a Ukrainian sausage, also KIELBASA, KOLBASI, KOLBASSA, KOLBASSI, KULBASA.
MASALAmasala n. Any of many blends of spices used in Indian cuisine, most often containing cardamom, coriander, mace…
masala n. Any dish prepared with such spices.
masala n. Any powder of ground ingredients, not necessarily used in cuisine.
NASALSnasals n. Plural of nasal.
NASAL n. a sound uttered through the nose.
NASARDnasard n. (Music) An organ stop that has a nasal, flutelike quality.
NASARD n. an organ stop.
OMASALomasal adj. Relating to the omasum.
OMASAL adj. relating to the omasum, the third of the four stomachs of a ruminant.
QUASARquasar n. (Astronomy) An extragalactic object, starlike in appearance, that is among the most luminous and (putatively)…
QUASAR n. a starlike object which emits radio waves.
TASARSTASAR n. (Hindi) a fawn-coloured silk made from wild Indian silkworms, also TUSSAH, TUSSAR, TUSSEH, TUSSER, TUSSOR, TUSSORE, TUSSUR.
WASABIwasabi n. A pungent green Japanese condiment made from the plant Eutrema japonicum (syn. Wasabia japonica).
wasabi n. An imitation of this condiment made from horseradish with green dye.
WASABI n. (Japanese) horseradish, much used in Japanese cooking as a condiment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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