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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 11 six-letter words containing ADR

ADRATEADRATE n. the price or tariff that businesses pay to advertise.
ADREADadread v. (Transitive, obsolete) To dread, fear greatly.
adread v. (Intransitive or reflexive, obsolete) To fear, be afraid.
adread adj. (Archaic) Affected by or full of dread; fearful.
ADRIFTadrift adj. Floating at random.
adrift adj. (Of a seaman) Absent from his watch.
adrift adj. (Chiefly UK, often with of) Behind one’s opponents, or below a required threshold in terms of score…
ADROITadroit adj. Deft, dexterous, or skillful.
ADROIT adj. skilful.
CADREScadres n. Plural of cadre.
CADRE n. (French) a permanent establishment of trained personnel forming a nucleus for expansion at need.
CHADRIchadri n. A burka.
CHADAR n. (Persian) the large veil worn by Muslim women, also CHADDAR, CHADDOR, CHADOR, CHUDDAH, CHUDDAR, CHUDDER.
HADRONhadron n. (Physics) A composite particle that comprises two or more quarks held together by the strong force and…
HADRON n. one of a class of subatomic particles, including baryons and mesons.
LADRONladron n. Alternative form of ladrone.
LADRON n. (Spanish) a robber; a pirate; hence, loosely, a rogue or rascal, also LADRONE, LATRON.
MADRASmadras n. A brightly colored cotton fabric with a checked or striped pattern.
madras n. A large handkerchief of this fabric, worn on the head in the West Indies.
Madras prop.n. Former name of Chennai, the capital and largest city of Tamil Nadu, India.
MADRESMADRE n. (Spanish) mother.
PADRESpadres n. Plural of padre.
Padres n. Plural of Padre.
PADRE n. (Italian) father; a title given to priests; an army chaplain.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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