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There are 19 five-letter words containing AUN

AUNESaunes n. Plural of aune.
AUNE n. (obsolete) an ell; a French measure of cloth.
AUNTSaunts n. Plural of aunt.
AUNT n. the sister of a mother or father.
AUNTYaunty n. Alternative spelling of auntie.
AUNTY n. an aunt, also AUNTIE.
DAUNTdaunt v. (Transitive) To discourage, intimidate.
daunt v. (Transitive) To overwhelm.
Daunt prop.n. A surname from Middle English.
FAUNAfauna n. (Uncountable) Animals considered as a group; especially those of a particular country, region, time.
fauna n. (Countable) A book, cataloguing the animals of a country.
Fauna prop.n. (Roman mythology) The goddess of animals, nature, spring and fertility; she is also the consort of Faunus.
FAUNSfauns n. Plural of faun.
FAUN n. a rural deity represented as a man with a goat's ears, horns, tail, and hind legs.
GAUNTgaunt adj. Lean, angular, and bony.
gaunt adj. Haggard, drawn, and emaciated.
gaunt adj. Bleak, barren, and desolate.
HAUNSHauns prop.n. Plural of Haun.
HAUN n. (Scots) a hand.
HAUNThaunt v. (Transitive) To inhabit or to visit frequently (most often used in reference to ghosts).
haunt v. (Transitive) To make uneasy, restless.
haunt v. (Transitive) To stalk; to follow.
JAUNTjaunt n. (Archaic) A wearisome journey.
jaunt n. A short excursion for pleasure or refreshment; a ramble; a short journey.
jaunt v. (Intransitive) To ramble here and there; to stroll; to make an excursion.
LAUNDlaund n. (Archaic) A grassy plain or pasture, especially surrounded by woodland; a glade.
LAUND n. (Shakespeare) a glade, a grassy place.
MAUNDmaund n. A wicker basket.
maund n. A unit of capacity with various specific local values.
maund n. (Regional) A handbasket with two lids.
NAUNTnaunt n. (Nonstandard, proscribed, dated) aunt, mine aunt.
NAUNT n. (archaic) an aunt.
RAUNSRAUN n. (Scott) fish-roe, also RAWN.
SAUNAsauna n. A room or a house designed for heat sessions.
sauna n. The act of using a sauna.
sauna n. A public sauna.
SAUNTSAUNT n. (Scots) a saint.
SAUNT v. to sanctify.
STAUNSTAUN v. (Scots) to stand.
TAUNTtaunt v. To make fun of (someone); to goad (a person) into responding, often in an aggressive manner.
taunt n. A scornful or mocking remark; a jeer or mockery.
taunt adj. (Obsolete, nautical) Very high or tall.
VAUNTvaunt v. (Intransitive) To speak boastfully.
vaunt v. (Transitive) To speak boastfully about.
vaunt v. (Transitive) To boast of; to make a vain display of; to display with ostentation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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