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There are 10 five-letter words containing ARV

ARVALarval n. (Scotland and Northern England, now rare) A funeral feast or wake at which bread and ale was served…
arval n. (Rare, chiefly historical) The ale served at such a wake, the drinking of which was a ritually significant…
arval n. (Lancashire) The money given to hunters, at the death of a fox, in order to buy ale.
ARVEEARVEE n. (short for) recreational vehicle (RV).
ARVOSarvos n. Plural of arvo.
ARVO n. (Australian slang) afternoon.
CARVEcarve v. (Archaic) To cut.
carve v. To cut meat in order to serve it.
carve v. To shape to sculptural effect; to produce (a work) by cutting, or to cut (a material) into a finished work.
CARVYCARVY n. (Scots) a herb used in cooking, also CARAWAY, CARRAWAY.
LARVAlarva n. An early stage of growth for some insects and amphibians, in which after hatching from their egg, insects…
larva n. An animal in the aforementioned stage.
larva n. A form of a recently born or hatched animal that is quite different from its adult stage.
MARVYmarvy adj. (Colloquial) great, awesome, brilliant.
MARVY adj. marvellous.
PARVEparve adj. Alternative spelling of pareve.
PARVE adj. (Yiddish) of food, containing neither dairy nor meat ingredients, also PAREV, PAREVE.
PARVOparvo n. (Informal) parvovirus.
parvo- pref. Small.
PARVO n. (short for) a parvovirus, a virus causing disease in dogs.
VARVEvarve n. (Geology) An annual layer of sediment or sedimentary rock.
VARVE n. a seasonal layer of sediment deposited in still water, used in establishing Ice Age chronology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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