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There are 10 five-letter words containing AGU

AGUEDagued v. Simple past tense and past participle of ague.
agued adj. Afflicted with ague.
AGUED adj. suffering from the ague, a malarial fever.
AGUESagues v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ague.
AGUE n. a malarial fever.
AGUNAAGUNA n. (Hebrew) a woman whose husband has abandoned her but fails to provide an official divorce, also AGUNAH.
AGUTIaguti n. Archaic form of agouti.
AGUTI n. a burrowing South American rodent, also AGOUTI, ACOUCHI, ACOUCHY, AGOUTY.
KAGUSkagus n. Plural of kagu.
KAGU n. a flightless bird.
MAGUSmagus n. A magician; (derogatory) a conjurer or sorcerer, especially one who is a charlatan or trickster.
magus n. (Zoroastrianism) A Zoroastrian priest.
MAGUS n. (Latin) a magician, also MAGE, MAGIAN.
RAGUSragus n. Plural of ragu.
ragùs n. Plural of ragù.
RAGU n. (Italian) in Italian cookery, a meat and tomato sauce.
SAGUMsagum n. (Historical) A cloak, worn in ancient times by the Gauls, early Germans, and Roman soldiers, made of…
SAGUM n. (Latin) a cloak worn by Roman soldiers.
VAGUEvague adj. Not clearly expressed; stated in indefinite terms.
vague adj. Not having a precise meaning.
vague adj. Not clearly defined, grasped, or understood; indistinct; slight.
VAGUSvagus n. (Roman Catholicism) A homeless person or vagrant.
vagus n. (Neuroanatomy) Ellipsis of vagus nerve..
VAGUS n. (Latin) the tenth and last cranial nerve, going to larynx and pharynx.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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