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There are 15 five-letter words containing AGO

AGOGEagoge n. In ancient Greek music, tempo or pace; rhythmical movement.
agoge n. Melodic motion upward or downward by successive scale-steps: same as ductus in medieval music.
agoge n. (Historical) A rigorous training regimen for Spartan men in preparation for army service.
AGONEagone adv. (Archaic or dialectal, Northern England) Alternative form of ago.
AGONE adv. (archaic) gone, past.
AGONSagons n. Plural of agon.
AGON n. the dramatic conflict between the chief characters in a literary work.
AGONYagony n. Extreme pain.
agony n. (Biblical) The sufferings of Jesus Christ in the garden of Gethsemane.
agony n. Violent contest or striving.
AGOODagood adv. (Obsolete) In earnest; heartily; in good earnest.
AGOOD adv. (Shakespeare) in good, in earnest.
AGORAagora n. A place for gathering.
agora n. A marketplace, especially in Classical Greece.
agora n. Since 1960, a monetary unit and coin of Israel, the 100th part of a shekel / sheqel.
CAGOTcagot n. Alternative form of Cagot.
Cagot n. (Historical) A member of a persecuted minority in south-western France.
CAGOT n. (French) one of an outcast class found in the Pyrenees, supposed to be the descendants of lepers.
FAGOTfagot n. Alternative form of faggot.
fagot n. A bundle of pieces of wrought iron to be worked over into bars or other shapes by rolling or hammering…
fagot n. (Music, obsolete) A fagotto, or bassoon.
IMAGOimago n. (Entomology) The final developmental stage of an insect after undergoing metamorphosis.
imago n. (Psychology) An idealised concept of a loved one, formed in childhood and retained unconsciously into…
IMAGO n. (Latin) an insect in its final, adult, sexually mature, and typically winged state.
KAGOSkagos n. Plural of kago.
KAGO n. (Japanese) a basketwork passenger litter.
MAGOTmagot n. (Archaic) The Barbary macaque (Macaca sylvanus) native to the Atlas Mountains of Algeria and Morocco…
magot n. (Art) A seated oriental figurine, usually of porcelain or ivory, of a grotesque form.
Magot prop.n. A surname.
NAGORnagor n. (Archaic) The bohor reedbuck, Redunca redunca.
NAGOR n. (French) a reedbuck of savannah in equatorial Africa, with short forward-curving horns.
PAGODpagod n. Obsolete form of pagoda. (Asian religious building)
pagod n. Obsolete form of pagoda. (idol)
pagod n. Obsolete form of pagoda. (currency unit)
SAGOSsagos n. Plural of sago.
Sagos prop.n. Plural of Sago.
SAGO n. (Malay) a type of palm tree; a nutritive cereal derived from its pith.
WAGONwagon n. A heavier four-wheeled (normally horse-drawn) vehicle designed to carry goods (or sometimes people).
wagon n. Abbreviation of toy wagon; A child’s riding toy, with the same structure as a wagon (sense 1), pulled…
wagon n. (Rail transport) A vehicle (wagon) designed to transport goods or people on railway.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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