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There are 8 five-letter words containing AGL

AGLEEaglee adv. Alternative spelling of agley.
AGLEE adv. (Scots) with a turn or twist to one side, also AGLEY, AGLY.
AGLETaglet n. Alternative spelling of aiglet.
aglet n. The cover at the tip of a shoelace, to prevent it from fraying.
aglet n. A catkin.
AGLEYagley adv. (Chiefly Scotland) Wrong, awry, askew, amiss, or distortedly.
agley adj. (Scotland) Wrong; askew.
AGLEY adv. (Scots) with a turn or twist to one side, also AGLEE, AGLY.
AGLOOagloo n. A seal’s breathing-hole in the ice.
AGLOO n. (Inuit) a hole in the ice through which a seal breathes, also AGLU.
AGLOWaglow adj. (Sometimes figurative) glowing; radiant.
AGLOW adj. glowing.
AGLUSAGLU n. (Inuit) a hole in the ice through which a seal breathes, also AGLOO.
EAGLEeagle n. Any of several large carnivorous and carrion-eating birds in the family Accipitridae, having a powerful…
eagle n. (US, numismatics, historical) A gold coin with a face value of ten dollars, formerly used in the United States.
eagle n. (Historical, numismatics) A 13th-century coin minted in Europe and circulated in England as a debased…
PAGLEPAGLE n. (dialect) the cowslip, also PAIGLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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