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There are 15 five-letter words containing AGI

AGILAAGILA n. (Tamil) the wood of the aloe, aka agalwood.
AGILEagile adj. Having the faculty of quick motion in the limbs; apt or ready to move.
agile adj. Characterised by quick motion.
agile adj. (Chiefly software engineering) Of or relating to agile software development, a technique for iterative…
AGINGaging v. Present participle of age.
aging n. The process of becoming older or more mature.
aging n. The deliberate process of making something (such as an antique) appear (or, in science fiction, become)…
AGIOSagios n. Plural of agio.
AGIO n. (Italian) a premium paid for the exchange of currency.
AGISMagism n. Alternative spelling of ageism (agism is less common and sometimes deprecated).
AGISM n. discrimination based on age, also AGEISM.
AGISTagist v. (Transitive) To take to graze or pasture, at a certain sum; used originally of the feeding of cattle…
agist v. (Transitive) To charge lands etc. with any public burden.
AGIST v. to admit (livestock) for a stated time into a forest.
AGITAagita n. (US) dyspepsia.
agita n. (US) mental aggravation; annoyance.
AGITA n. a feeling of agitation.
BAGIEBAGIE n. (Northumbrian dialect) a turnip.
FAGINfagin n. Alternative form of Fagin.
Fagin n. A person who entices children into criminal activity, often teaching them how to conduct those crimes…
FAGIN n. an adult who instructs others in crime.
JAGIRjagir n. (East India) An assignment of the produce and income of a particular district or village to a person…
jagir n. (East India) A district.
JAGIR n. (Hindi) the government revenues of a tract of land assigned with power to administer, also JAGHIR, JAGHIRE.
MAGICmagic n. The application of rituals or actions, especially those based on occult knowledge, to subdue or manipulate…
magic n. A specific ritual or procedure associated with such magic; a spell.
magic n. The supernatural forces which are drawn on in such a ritual.
RAGISRAGI n. (Hindi) a kind of millet, also RAGEE, RAGGEE, RAGGY.
THAGIthagi n. Alternative form of thuggee.
THAGI n. (Hindi) murder and robbery by thugs, also THUGGEE.
TRAGItragi n. Plural of tragus.
TRAGUS n. (Greek) a part of the external opening of the ear.
YAGISyagis n. Plural of yagi.
Yagis prop.n. Plural of Yagi.
YAGI n. (Japanese) a type of shortwave antenna.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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