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There are 14 five-letter words containing ABI

ABIDEabide v. (Transitive) To endure without yielding; to withstand.
abide v. (Transitive) To bear patiently.
abide v. (Transitive) To pay for; to stand the consequences of.
ABIESabies n. A tree of the genus Abies.
abies n. A tannin made from the barks of firs and spruces.
Abies prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Pinaceae – certain coniferous trees, the true firs, characterized…
CABINcabin n. (US) A small dwelling characteristic of the frontier, especially when built from logs with simple tools…
cabin n. (Informal) A chalet or lodge, especially one that can hold large groups of people.
cabin n. A private room on a ship.
HABIThabit n. An action performed on a regular basis.
habit n. An action performed repeatedly and automatically, usually without awareness.
habit n. A long piece of clothing worn by monks and nuns.
LABIAlabia n. (Anatomy) The folds of tissue at the opening of the vulva, at either side of the vagina.
labia n. Plural of labium.
LABIUM n. (Latin) a fold of the vulva.
LABISlabis n. (Christianity) A spoon used in the Eucharist.
LABIS n. (Greek) a spoon used to give the Eucharist to communicants.
NABISnabis n. Plural of nabi.
Nabis prop.n. Plural of Nabi.
NABIS n. (French) a group of late nineteenth century French post-impressionists following the artistic theories of the French painter Paul Gauguin.
RABICrabic adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to rabies.
RABIC adj. pertaining to rabies.
RABIDrabid adj. Affected with rabies.
rabid adj. Of or pertaining to rabies, or hydrophobia.
rabid adj. Furious; raging; extremely violent.
RABISrabis n. Alternative spelling of rabiz.
RABI n. (Urdu) the spring grain harvest in India and Pakistan.
SABINsabin n. (Acoustics) A unit of measurement that measures a material’s absorbance of sound. A material that is…
Sabin prop.n. A surname.
Sabin prop.n. A male given name.
SABIRsabir n. A lingua franca.
Sabir prop.n. (Historical) An Italian-based pidgin language used as the lingua franca of Mediterranean trade from…
Sabir n. (Historical) A member of a (possibly Turkic) people or tribe who lived around the Caspian before the…
TABIDtabid adj. (Medicine) Pertaining to tabes.
tabid adj. Wasting away, declining.
TABID adj. affected by tabes, progressive emaciation of the body.
TABIStabis n. Plural of tabi.
TABI n. (Japanese) a kind of sock worn with Japanese sandals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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