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There are 16 five-letter words containing ABE

ABEAMabeam adv. (Nautical, aircraft) On the beam; at a right angle to the centerline or keel of a vessel or aircraft;…
abeam adv. (Nautical, aircraft) Alongside or abreast; opposite the center of the side of the ship or aircraft.
abeam adj. (Nautical, aircraft) Alongside or abreast; opposite the center of the side of the ship or aircraft.
ABEARabear v. (Transitive, now rare, dialectal) To put up with; to endure; to bear.
abear v. (Transitive, obsolete) To bear; to carry.
abear v. (Transitive, reflexive, obsolete) To behave; to comport oneself.
ABELEabele n. The white poplar (Populus alba).
ABELE n. (Dutch) the white poplar tree.
ABERSABER n. (Welsh) an estuary.
ABETSabets v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of abet.
abets n. Plural of abet.
ABET v. to incite by encouragement and support.
BABELbabel n. Alternative form of Babel.
Babel prop.n. (Biblical) The city and tower in the land of Shinar where the confusion of languages took place, according…
Babel n. A confused mixture of sounds and voices, especially in different languages.
BABESbabes n. Plural of babe.
babes n. (Treated as a singular noun; plural babes) Alternative form of babe used as a term of endearment to a loved one.
BABE n. a baby; an attractive young woman.
CABERcaber n. A long, thick log held upright at one end and tossed in the Highland games.
CABER n. (Scots) a heavy wooden heaving pole, also KABAR, KEBAR.
LABELlabel n. A small ticket or sign giving information about something to which it is attached or intended to be attached.
label n. A name given to something or someone to categorise them as part of a particular social group.
label n. (Music) A company that sells records.
MABESmabes n. Plural of mabe.
MABE n. a cultured pearl.
NABESnabes n. Plural of nabe.
NABE n. a neighbourhood movie theatre.
SABEDSABE v. to know, to understand, also SAVEY, SAVVEY, SAVVY.
SABERsaber n. (American spelling) Alternative form of sabre.
saber v. (American spelling) Alternative form of sabre.
Saber prop.n. A surname.
SABESSABE v. to know, to understand, also SAVEY, SAVVEY, SAVVY.
TABERtaber n. (Music) Obsolete spelling of tabor.
taber v. Obsolete spelling of tabor.
Taber prop.n. A surname.
TABEStabes n. (Medicine) A kind of slow bodily wasting or emaciating disease, often accompanying a chronic disease.
TABES n. (Latin) a syphilitic disease.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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