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There are 8 four-letter words containing AVA

AVALaval n. (Finance, law) A financial guarantee by a third party to assume the burden of a debt, especially a bill…
aval adj. (Rare) Of, related to, or characteristic of a grandparent.
AVAL adj. pertaining to a grandparent.
AVASAVAs n. Plural of AVA.
AVAS n. (Automotive) Initialism of acoustic vehicle alerting system: a system that emits vehicle warning sounds…
AVA n. an aromatic plant of the pepper family; a narcotic drink prepared from its root and stem, also KAVA, KAVAKAVA.
CAVAcava n. Alternative letter-case form of Cava, a Catalan white sparkling wine.
cava n. (Anatomy) Ellipsis of vena cava..
cava n. Plural of cavum.
FAVAfava n. A fava bean; a bean (seed or seed pod) of the plant Vicia faba or the plant itself.
Fava prop.n. A surname from Italian.
FAVA n. (Italian) a broad bean.
JAVAjava n. A blend of coffee imported from the island of Java.
java n. (US, colloquial) Coffee in general.
java n. A dance popular in France in the early 20th century.
KAVAkava n. A plant from the South Pacific, Piper methysticum.
kava n. An intoxicating beverage made from the kava plant.
Kava prop.n. A surname.
LAVAlava n. The molten rock ejected by a volcano from its crater or fissured sides.
lava n. (Informal, proscribed) Magma.
lava n. A shade of red, named after the volcanic lava.
TAVAtava n. Alternative form of tawa.
TAVA n. (Hindi) a griddle in Indian cookery, also TAVAH, TAWA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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