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There are 11 four-letter words containing ANK

ANKHankh n. A cross shaped like a T with a loop at the top, the Egyptian hieroglyph representing the Egyptian triliteral…
ankh n. A tau cross.
ANKH n. (Arabic) an Egyptian symbol of life, resembling a looped cross, later adapted by Coptic Christians as their cross.
BANKbank n. (Countable) An institution where one can place and borrow money and take care of financial affairs.
bank n. (Countable) A branch office of such an institution.
bank n. (Countable) An underwriter or controller of a card game.
DANKdank adj. Dark, damp and humid.
dank adj. (Figuratively, of marijuana) Moist and sticky, (by extension) highly potent.
dank adj. (Slang, often ironic) Great, awesome.
FANKfank n. A pen for enclosing sheep, mainly in the Scottish Highlands.
FANK v. (Scots) to put sheep in a pen, to securely contain.
HANKhank n. A coil or loop of something, especially twine, yarn, or rope.
hank n. (Nautical) A ring or shackle that secures a staysail to its stay and allows the sail to glide smoothly up and down.
hank n. (Ulster) Doubt, difficulty.
LANKlank adj. Slender or thin; not well filled out; not plump; shrunken; lean.
lank adj. (Obsolete) Meagre, paltry, scant in quantity.
lank adj. (Of hair) Straight and flat; thin and limp. (Often associated with being greasy.)
RANKrank adj. Strong of its kind or in character; unmitigated; virulent; thorough; utter (used of negative things).
rank adj. Strong in growth; growing with vigour or rapidity, hence, coarse or gross.
rank adj. Suffering from overgrowth or hypertrophy; plethoric.
SANKsank v. Simple past tense of sink.
SINK v. to subside to a lower level.
TANKtank n. A closed container for liquids or gases.
tank n. An open container or pool for storing water or other liquids.
tank n. A pond, pool, or small lake, natural or artificial.
WANKwank v. (Intransitive, slang, vulgar) To masturbate.
wank v. (Transitive, slang, vulgar) To masturbate; to give a hand job to.
wank v. (Intransitive, vulgar, chiefly fandom slang and Internet slang) To argue in an inappropriate manner…
YANKyank n. A sudden, vigorous pull (sometimes defined as mass times jerk, or rate of change of force).
yank n. (Slang) A masturbation session.
yank v. (Transitive) To pull (something) with a quick, strong action.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 21 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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