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There are 13 four-letter words containing AIR

AIRNairn v. (UK, dialect) To earn.
AIRN n. (Scots) iron.
AIRN v. to iron.
AIRSairs n. Plural of air.
airs n. An affected manner intended to impress others.
airs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of air.
AIRTairt v. (Scotland) To guide; to direct.
airt n. (Scotland) direction; quarter.
AIRT n. (Scots) direction, quarter.
AIRYairy adj. Consisting of air.
airy adj. Relating or belonging to air; high in air; aerial.
airy adj. Open to a free current of air; exposed to the air; breezy.
FAIRfair adj. (Archaic or literary) Beautiful, of a pleasing appearance, with a pure and fresh quality.
fair adj. Unblemished (figuratively or literally); clean and pure; innocent.
fair adj. Light in color, pale, particularly with regard to skin tone but also referring to blond hair.
GAIRGair prop.n. A surname.
GAIR n. (Scots) a triangular piece (of cloth or land), also GORE.
HAIRhair n. (Countable) A pigmented filament of keratin which grows from a follicle on the skin of humans and other mammals.
hair n. (Uncountable) The collection or mass of such growths growing from the skin of humans and animals, and…
hair n. (Zoology, countable) A slender outgrowth from the chitinous cuticle of insects, spiders, crustaceans…
LAIRlair n. A place inhabited by a wild animal, often a cave or a hole in the ground.
lair n. A shed or shelter for domestic animals.
lair n. (Figuratively) A place inhabited by a criminal or criminals, a superhero or a supervillain; a refuge…
MAIRmair adj. (Geordie, Scotland) more.
mair adv. (Geordie, Scotland) more.
mair n. (Scotland, historical) Various former royal officials in the Kingdom of Scotland.
PAIRpair n. Two similar or identical things taken together; often followed by of.
pair n. Two people in a relationship, partnership or friendship.
pair n. Used with binary nouns (often in the plural to indicate multiple instances, since such nouns are plural…
SAIRSAIR adj. (Scots) sore, very.
SAIR v. to savour, also SAR.
VAIRvair n. (Archaic) A type of fur from a squirrel with a grey back and white belly, much used on garments in the Middle Ages.
vair n. (Heraldry) An heraldic fur formed by a regular tessellation of bell shapes in two colours, (for example…
VAIR n. squirrel fur, much used in medieval times, to line and trim robes.
WAIRwair n. (Obsolete) A plank six feet long and one foot across.
wair v. (Scotland, obsolete) To spend.
wair v. Nonstandard form of were.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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