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There are 15 four-letter words containing ACK

BACKback adj. At or near the rear.
back adj. (Predicative) Returned or restored to a previous place or condition.
back adj. Not current.
CACKcack n. A squawk.
cack n. A discordant note.
cack v. (Of a bird) To squawk.
DACKdack v. (Australia, informal) To pull down someone’s trousers as a practical joke.
Dack prop.n. A surname.
DACK v. (Australian slang) to remove the trousers from, debag.
HACKhack v. (Transitive) To chop or cut down in a rough manner.
hack v. (Intransitive) To cough noisily.
hack v. To withstand or put up with a difficult situation.
JACKjack n. A coarse mediaeval coat of defence, especially one made of leather.
jack n. A man.
jack n. A device or utensil.
KACKkack n. Alternative form of cack (“shit; rubbish”).
kack v. Alternative form of cack (“kill”).
kack v. Alternative form of cack (“to defecate”).
LACKlack n. A deficiency or need (of something desirable or necessary); an absence, want.
lack n. (Obsolete) A defect or failing; moral or spiritual degeneracy.
lack v. (Transitive, stative) To be without, not to have, to need, to require.
MACKmack n. (Slang) An individual skilled in the art of seduction using verbal skills.
mack v. (Slang) To act as pimp; to pander.
mack v. (Slang) To seduce or flirt with.
PACKpack n. A bundle made up and prepared to be carried; especially, a bundle to be carried on the back, but also…
pack n. A number or quantity equal to the contents of a pack.
pack n. A multitude.
RACKrack n. A series of one or more shelves, stacked one above the other.
rack n. Any of various kinds of frame for holding luggage or other objects on a vehicle or vessel.
rack n. (Historical) A device, incorporating a ratchet, used to torture victims by stretching them beyond their…
SACKsack n. A bag; especially a large bag of strong, coarse material for storage and handling of various commodities…
sack n. The amount a sack holds; also, an archaic or historical measure of varying capacity, depending on commodity…
sack n. (Uncountable) The plunder and pillaging of a captured town or city.
TACKtack n. A small nail with a flat head.
tack n. A thumbtack.
tack n. (Sewing) A loose seam used to temporarily fasten pieces of cloth.
WACKwack adj. (Originally AAVE, slang) Annoyingly or disappointingly bad, in various senses; lousy, cringy, uncool, messed up.
wack n. An eccentric; an oddball; a weirdo.
wack n. (Dated, disco-era drug slang) PCP, phencyclidine (as also whack).
YACKyack n. Alternative form of yak (“chatter; talk”).
yack v. Alternative form of yak (“talk; vomit”).
yack n. (England, dialectal, possibly obsolete) An oak.
ZACKzack n. (Australia) Sixpence.
zack n. (Australia, rare) Five cents.
zack n. (Australia) A six-month or six-year prison sentence.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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