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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 13 fourteen-letter words containing ALT

ALTERABILITIESalterabilities n. Plural of alterability.
ALTERABILITY n. the state of being alterable.
ALTIMETRICALLYaltimetrically adv. By means of altimetry.
ALTIMETRICAL adv. relating to measurement by altimeter.
ALTITUDINARIANaltitudinarian adj. Lofty in doctrine, aims, etc.
altitudinarian n. One who is lofty in doctrine, aims, etc.
ALTITUDINARIAN n. someone tending to loftiness in doctrine.
ALTRUISTICALLYaltruistically adv. In an altruistic manner; in a manner having regard of others.
ALTRUISTIC adv. relating to altruism.
HALTERBREAKINGhalterbreaking v. Present participle of halterbreak.
HALTERBREAK v. to break (as a colt) to a halter.
HEALTHLESSNESShealthlessness n. The state or condition of being healthless.
HEALTHLESSNESS n. the state of being healthless.
INALTERABILITYinalterability n. Synonym of unalterableness.
INALTERABILITY n. the state of being inalterable.
SEIGNIORALTIESseignioralties n. Plural of seignioralty.
STEALTHINESSESstealthinesses n. Plural of stealthiness.
STEALTHINESS n. the state of being stealthy.
SUBALTERNATIONsubalternation n. The state of being subalternate; succession of turns; subordination.
SUBALTERNATION n. the relation between a universal and particular of the same quality.
SUBSPECIALTIESsubspecialties n. Plural of subspecialty.
SUBSPECIALTY n. a subordinate specialty, also SUBSPECIALITY.
UNALTERABILITYunalterability n. Synonym of unalterableness.
UNALTERABILITY n. the state of being unalterable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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