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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing ALP

ALPHABETARIANalphabetarian n. One who is learning the alphabet; an abecedarian.
alphabetarian n. A novice or ignoramus.
ALPHABETARIAN n. someone learning the alphabet, a beginner.
ALPHABETIFORMalphabetiform adj. Having the form of a developed alphabet or its letters, as opposed to crude pictographic symbols.
ALPHABETIFORM adj. shaped like letters.
ALPHABETISERSalphabetisers n. Plural of alphabetiser.
ALPHABETISER n. one who alphabetises, also ALPHABETIZER.
ALPHABETISINGalphabetising v. Present participle of alphabetise.
ALPHABETISE v. to put into alphabetic order, also ALPHABET, ALPHABETIZE.
ALPHABETIZERSalphabetizers n. Plural of alphabetizer.
ALPHABETIZER n. something that alphabetizes, also ALPHABETISER.
ALPHABETIZINGalphabetizing v. Present participle of alphabetize.
ALPHABETIZE v. to put into alphabetic order, also ALPHABET, ALPHABETISE.
ALPHANUMERICSalphanumerics n. Plural of alphanumeric.
ALPHANUMERIC n. an alphanumeric character.
ANALPHABETICSanalphabetics n. Plural of analphabetic.
ANALPHABETIC n. one who is unable to read.
ANALPHABETISManalphabetism n. Illiteracy, the inability to read and write.
ANALPHABETISM n. illiteracy.
IMPALPABILITYimpalpability n. The quality of being impalpable; intangibility.
IMPALPABILITY n. the state of being impalpable.
NONALPHABETICnonalphabetic adj. Not alphabetic.
NONALPHABETIC adj. not alphabetic.
PALPABILITIESpalpabilities n. Plural of palpability.
PALPABILITY n. the quality of being palpable.
REALPOLITIKERrealpolitiker n. One who supports or engages in realpolitik.
REALPOLITIKER n. (German) one who practises realpolitik, politics based on practical, rather than moral or ideological, considerations.
SALPINGECTOMYsalpingectomy n. (Gynaecology, surgery) Surgical removal of the Fallopian tubes.
SALPINGECTOMY n. surgical removal of the salpinx.
SALPINGITISESsalpingitises n. Plural of salpingitis.
SALPINGITIS n. inflammation of the salpinx.
SCALPELLIFORMscalpelliform adj. Having the form of the blade of a scalpel or penknife.
SCALPELLIFORM adj. shaped like a scalpel.
VALPOLICELLASValpolicellas n. Plural of Valpolicella.
VALPOLICELLA n. a red or rose wine made in the Val Policella district.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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