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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing ANL

ALDERMANLYaldermanly adj. Relating to, or like, an alderman.
aldermanly adv. In the manner of an alderman.
ALDERMANLY adj. pertaining to, or like, an alderman.
CHAMBRANLEchambranle n. (Architecture) In architecture, the case or frame used on three sides around a chamber door, large window…
CHAMBRANLE n. (French) decoration around a door frame or fireplace.
CLEANLIESTcleanliest adj. Superlative form of cleanly: most cleanly.
CLEANLY adj. clean in habits.
MUSICIANLYmusicianly adv. In the manner of a musician.
MUSICIANLY adj. like a musician.
PANLOGISMSPANLOGISM n. the theory that the Universe is an outward manifestation of the Logos.
PARTISANLYpartisanly adv. In a partisan way.
PARTISANLY adv. in a partisan manner, also PARTIZANLY.
PARTIZANLYpartizanly adv. Alternative form of partisanly.
PARTIZANLY adv. in a partizan manner, also PARTISANLY.
PLANLESSLYplanlessly adv. Without a plan or scheme; aimlessly.
PLANLESS adv. without a plan.
PLEBEIANLYplebeianly adv. In a plebeian manner.
PLEBEIAN adv. relating to the common people or vulgar classes, also PLEBEAN.
SEAMANLIERSEAMANLY adj. like a seaman.
SEAMANLIKEseamanlike adj. Befitting a seaman.
seamanlike adj. Indicating competent seamanship.
SEAMANLIKE adj. characteristic of or befitting a competent seaman.
UNMANLIESTunmanliest adj. Superlative form of unmanly: most unmanly.
UNMANLY adj. not manly.
WOMANLIESTwomanliest adj. Superlative form of womanly: most womanly.
WOMANLY adj. like a woman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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