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There are 18 ten-letter words containing AEO

AEOLIPILESaeolipiles n. Plural of aeolipile.
æolipiles n. Plural of æolipile.
AEOLIPILE n. the first steam engine, with a globe made to revolve by steam jets, also AEOLIPYLE, EOLIPILE, EOLOPILE.
AEOLIPYLESaeolipyles n. Plural of aeolipyle.
æolipyles n. Plural of æolipyle.
AEOLIPYLE n. the first steam engine, with a globe made to revolve by steam jets, also AEOLIPILE, EOLIPILE, EOLOPILE.
AEOLOTROPYaeolotropy n. (Physics) The phenomenon whereby the physical properties (e.g, electric conductivity, refractive index)…
æolotropy n. Alternative spelling of aeolotropy.
AEOLOTROPY n. variation in physical properties on basis of position.
ARAEOMETERaræometer n. Archaic form of areometer.
ARAEOMETER n. (historical) an instrument used for measuring specific gravity, also AREOMETER.
ARAEOMETRYaræometry n. Obsolete form of areometry.
ARAEOMETRY n. the measuring of specific gravity, also AREOMETRY.
ARAEOSTYLEaraeostyle n. (Architecture) intercolumniation.
ARAEOSTYLE n. a building or colonnade with columns four diameters or more apart, also AREOSTYLE.
ELAEOLITESelaeolites n. Plural of elaeolite.
ELAEOLITE n. a variety of nephelite, usually massive, of greasy luster, and gray to reddish color.
ELAEOPTENEelaeoptene n. (Chemistry) The more liquid or volatile portion of certain oily substances, as distinguished from stearoptene…
ELAEOPTENE n. the liquid part of a volatile oil.
LAEOTROPIClaeotropic adj. Turning to the left (typically in a left-handed spiral).
LAEOTROPIC adj. coiled in a leftward direction, as of a left-spiralling snail shell.
PALAEOGAEAPALAEOGAEA n. the Old World as a biological region.
PALAEOLITHpalaeolith n. Alternative form of paleolith.
PALAEOLITH n. a Stone Age artefact, also PALEOLITH.
PALAEOLOGYpalaeology n. Alternative form of paleology.
palæology n. Obsolete form of paleology.
PALAEOLOGY n. the study of prehistory, also PALEOLOGY.
PALAEOSOLSpalaeosols n. Plural of palaeosol.
PALAEOSOL n. an ancient soil horizon, also PALEOSOL.
PALAEOTYPEpalaeotype n. An old book printed between 1500 and 1550.
palaeotype n. (Historical) A phonetic alphabet developed by Alexander John Ellis to represent all spoken sounds of…
PALAEOTYPE n. a nineteenth century phonetic adaptation of ordinary alphabetical type.
PERAEOPODSperaeopods n. Plural of peraeopod.
PERAEOPOD n. each of the eight walking limbs of a crustacean such as a crab or lobster, growing from the thorax, also PEREIOPOD, PEREOPOD.
TROPAEOLINtropaeolin n. Any of several orange dyes of very complex composition: tropaeolin O (acid orange 6, chrysoine resorcinol)…
tropæolin n. Obsolete spelling of tropaeolin.
TROPAEOLIN n. any of a group of dyes of complex structure, also TROPEOLIN.
TROPAEOLUMTropaeolum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Tropaeolaceae – nasturtiums.
Tropæolum prop.n. Obsolete spelling of Tropaeolum.
TROPAEOLUM n. a genus of South American trailing plants.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 63 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
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