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There are 14 words ending with ZON

AMAZONamazon n. A tall, strong, athletic woman.
amazon n. A fairy chess piece which combines the moves of the queen and the knight.
amazon n. An amazon parrot.
APIEZONAPIEZON adj. (tradename) as in apiezon oils, the residue of almost zero vapour pressure left by vacuum distillation of petroleum products.
AZONAzon n. (Historical) A gliding bomb of World War II whose azimuth could be adjusted via radio.
AZON n. a radio-controlled aerial bomb.
BLAZONblazon n. (Heraldry) A verbal or written description of a coat of arms.
blazon n. (Heraldry) A formalized language for describing a coat of arms.
blazon n. (Heraldry) A coat of arms or a banner depicting a coat of arms.
BORAZONBorazon n. A very hard abrasive made from boron nitride granules.
BORAZON n. a manmade compound of nitrogen and boron, as hard as diamond.
CABEZONcabezon n. A California fish (Scorpaenichthys marmoratus), allied to the sculpin.
CABEZON n. (Spanish) a Californian fish, allied to the sculpin, also CABEZONE.
EMBLAZONemblazon v. (Transitive) To adorn with prominent markings.
emblazon v. (Transitive) To inscribe upon.
emblazon v. (Transitive, heraldry) To draw (a coat of arms).
GAZONgazon n. One of the pieces of sod used to line or cover parapets and the faces of earthworks.
GAZON n. (obsolete) one of the pieces of sod used to line or cover parapets and the faces of earthworks, also GAZOON.
GOHONZONGOHONZON n. (Japanese) a Buddhist paper scroll to which devotional chanting is directed.
HORIZONhorizon n. The visible horizontal line (in all directions) where the sky appears to meet the earth in the distance.
horizon n. (Figuratively) The range or limit of one’s knowledge, experience or interest; a boundary or threshold.
horizon n. The range or limit of any dimension in which one exists.
MENAZONmenazon n. (Chemistry) A chemical compound (C6H12N5O2PS2) used as an organophosphate insecticide.
MENAZON n. an insecticide.
SCAZONscazon n. A limping satiric meter in classical verse.
scazon n. A iambic trimeter ending with a trochee or spondee.
SCAZON n. (Greek) a choliamb, also SCAZONTIC.
STRAMAZONstramazon n. Alternative form of stramazoun.
STRAMAZON n. (obsolete) a downward cut in fencing, also ESTRAMAZONE, STRAMACON.
TENZONtenzon n. Alternative form of tenson.
TENZON n. (French) a competition in verse between two troubadours, also TENSON.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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